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Posts posted by mjartrod

  1. Did they say something about the anniversary tour yesterday?


    And fuck that setlist! I want a show with a set like this!

    They said in interviews that after the shows they'll be back to the studio and then release a new album in 2015.

    It's obvious by now there are no plans to announce any more gigs.

  2. I bet that's just what they had in mind for Hurricane festival / Bremen. But then negotiations with the Hurricane promoters must have failed or something, therefore no Hurricane show means no Bremen gig.
    That does make sense.


    Also, it could mean that the same thing is about to happen in California.....

  3. Sadly I really don't think this means a worldwide club (anniversary) tour.. If so, I'd expect them to spread gigs geografically. This gig is in São Paulo, where they'll playing Lollapalooza. I doubt they'd play a solo gig in Brazil at all if they weren't already flying there for the festival.


    But this could be a brilliant thing to do in the future. Wouldn't it be awesome to have intimate gigs in the same cities where they'd play European festivals ? :D

  4. How will we know if it'll sound half-arsed before they've played it?


    Not that I agree. All of the songs they've brought back have sounded great, and the guitar in Micro Cuts has been amazingly powerful. And Dead Star...

    This tour (the T2L era) they've all sounded fab but I remember Microcuts sounding very poor in the TR tour, CE was also pretty underwhelming plenty of times (not at Wembley thank god)... what else did they bring in the TR tour? I really remember wishing they wouldn't bring old songs and then ruin them :p


    Imo Micro Cuts was great vocally too, both at Montreal and Zepp.
    Ah, Montreal, that's it. Now I'm gonna have to go and listen to it :happy:
  5. Also, on the topic of Micro Cuts, the version on HAARP is seriously fucking boring. It sounds too... polished and clean, the rough and dirty sound it had on Hullaballoo made it extremely powerful.


    Also exactly why they don't play it anymore and why it was a dumb idea for Muse to pander to the fan campaign was well on display in the 2013 performances. It was VERY boring.

    Agree on your first point but not on the second. There was one performance (Japan, maybe? or North America?) that was freakin awesome, so much better than what I expected.


    But it's true that bringing a song just because of fan requests doesn't mean the result is good. They really must want to play it themselves otherwise we'll just have a half-arsed performance of what used to be a great song once upon a time.

  6. Did anyone do the muse clues thing? Was the footage that was revealed in the end just the extras from the DVD? I wouldn't know since I haven't got mine yet.
    No, it's a 3 minute video that wasn't included in the DVD.

    And obviously, it is miles better than what they did include..

  7. It says Muse are confirmed for the festival. Doesn't say whether it's the 5th or 6th of April, though.


    I think its just that the fact they said "Indonesia gig for November" about a year or so ago must annoy people out there now it looks like there won't be one.
    Same thing with New Zealand. They said this time they'd play there and for soem reason it's not happening...


    I can only hope the 20th anniversary gig(s) don't go the same way. There hasn't been a mention of that in any interviews whatsoever in the past couple months. Only that they want to take a break next year and start writing a new album.

  8. Haha, just remembered this, from Jonathan Ross in 2009 :LOL:


    Brilliant stuff, funny interview! A conservative driver, he says. I so do not buy that :p

    I also remember he was stopped by the police after a show in the US, quite a few fans witnessed that. This must have been back in 2007, I remember Gaia was with him in the car (seemed like a sports car in the pics). Reportedly, he drove around a few times, speeding, and then the police came up and stopped to have a "chat" with him :LOL: When he left, he was driving much slower haha

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