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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :LOL: i always do! he's so weird :eek:
  2. APc1CI0dFB_thumb_36461-6p-600x450.jpg



  3. APc1CI0dFB_thumb_36461-6p-600x450.jpg



  4. :eek: screw the weather man, he's always full of lies :facepalm::shifty:
  5. :happy: thanks, my fingers appriciate it! i've got gloves on now :happy:

    no snow yet, tonight there shall :awesome: at least the weather man says so :shifty:

  6. HEY :awesome: i'm doing good, really cold though :shifty: fingers are nearly frozen, how was your day? :happy:

  7. :LOL: i love looking at baby photos
  8. :LOL: mommy said i was a good baby :yesey: hard to believe i know

    i was quiet and i dunno what happened now im this loud annoying brat :rolleyes:

  9. :LOL: little kids are annoying little shits most of the time i bet you were
  10. :LOL: and you know it's true

    i can't imagine you with kids :LOL::LOL:

  11. :LOL: nice :chuckle: i haven't found a big one, but i found the regular ava size i think, i'll send it when i get home :happy:
  12. :dance: i love it! but we stay 10 minutes longer every day as apposed to last year when we didn't have the wednesday hour off :shifty:
  13. oh you lucky :shifty: i want snooowww!

    it should do a bit tomorrow night or friday though :happy:

    it's wednesday, our school gets out an hour early on wednesdays :dance: so if it weren't wednesday i wouldn't of been home till about how :LOL:

  14. hey, i'm fine :happy: thanks, how was your day?

  15. psh :LOL:

    i see where you're comming from

    no kids for you

    i don't think you'd be a that great of a parent :LOL:

  16. if i shot the kids i think they would be slightly mad

    wouldn't you be upset if i was babysitting your kids and i murdered them :awesome:

  17. :awesome: thanks, but no i don't think i have a bigger one :noey: i'd have to check, though i doubt i do, which i can't do when i'm at school :LOL: i'll have a look when i get home
  18. hi chris! just dropping by, hope you're doing well :)

  19. just doesn't appeal to my ears :noey:


    i've been at my neighbors since 3 and those kids are too hyper for me they WOULDNT SHUT UP :shifty:

  20. :facepalm: cause of radiohead :facepalm: spamming my page
  21. :LOL: i talk about them so much they know more about the band than the average fan does . . . and they don't even like them :LOL:
  22. :LOL: my friend's can't get me to shut up about them :chuckle:
  23. james: If you put muse on the CD, I'll break it in half

    :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

    there's no hope for him, "I don't like muse's style".

    but i do like most of the music he likes :awesome:

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