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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. i love arctic monkeys tyvm

  2. i wanna gooo ;-;

    no school ftw :awesome:

  3. school cancled for tomorrow! hopefully tuesday also :happy:

  4. :awesome: i love the snow!
  5. :LOL: same with me! dad flung me off the wheelbarrow :shifty: it hurt
  6. ouch that would hurt :'( i hate road rash!

  7. goodness, well i hope your alright :LOL: i just got back from sledding

    my dad's looking for a wheelbarrow to take apart & tie to the back of his truck & drive me around in :awesome:

  8. well then

    i'm a klutz :indiff: i can't help it

    my dad's looking for a wheelbarrow to take apart & tie to the back of his truck & drive me around in :awesome:

  9. :LOL: i bet it was! yesterday i watched someone sled down a hill (a pond was at the top of the hill) and i guess at the bottom there was a filter with mud & deep water & stuff and someone sled right into it :facepalm: it was too funny :LOL:
  10. :happy: welcome back dudy! i might end up going sledding later :awesome: but i'm sled-less so i'll probably end up using an old metal trash can lid :LOL::facepalm:
  11. nu uhhhh

    it was slippery :phu:

  12. ah :) i have more of just snow on my flickr!

    talk to you later, dudy :kiss:

  13. the ones on my flickr :awesome:?

  14. :LOL: wow well i figured mine out :happy:
  15. :chuckle: i got about an hour extra sleep this morning since there was no church either!

    rawr i got a webcam the other day and i can't figure this thing out :shifty:

  16. :happy: we have about 6 inches i believe! won't melt till about tuesday, so no school till wednesday probably :dance:
  17. hey megan :awesome: guess what?

    snooooowwwwwwww :dance: 6 inches of it!

  18. hiiiiii dudy :awesome: i've been playing in the snow non-stop since friday night :chuckle: so i'm really cold right now! hbu?

  19. i just went on a walk and i was walking on the road and i slipped and fell on my ass :facepalm: doubt any cars can drive on that

  20. :LOL: sucks for you then i guess

    there probably won't be any school till wednesday if we're lucky :3

  21. first snow since feb. of last year :D and turns out it's supposed to snow till 4 am tomorrow and not melt for days :D

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