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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. guitar / piano :happy: playing new born :dance: you?

  2. nice :awesome: i have all of those + every muse song released or unreleased except prague :shifty: will be getting that on the 22nd!

  3. lauren just butt dialed me :facepalm:

  4. :awesome: i love bedroom acoustics :happy: so much fun! new born... me+piano+guitar never tried it before! i'll do it when i get out my guitar later tonight :happy: it seems so much fun :awesome:
  5. i love playing muse on the bass :awesome: i remember a long while ago i told myself i'd learn hysteria... i thought it was cool when i got the first like 6 notes, and my dad told me i'd never get it right :phu: and now i can play it perfectly :D same with unintended on guitar, it's my favorite to play on my acoustic!

  6. bass ftw! :awesome:

    i tought myself the bass a little more than a year ago, and i can play pretty awesome :) and same with guitar, even though i've only played since about . . . i think after the first month of school

    my bass is old and i hear that it's worth more than $1000 origionally :eek::eek: but i didn't buy it, it was from an old band years ago my brother was in, he kinda took the bass with him when he left even though he didn't buy it :chuckle: it plays like dream still! i love fender :)

  7. my bass is a fender strat i believe, and my guitar is a samick :)

  8. :eek: yoga! i wanna do yoga :shifty:

    i hope you have fun at disney :awesome: i love that place! i went a few summers ago

  9. i'm doing fine thanks :D what are you up to?

  10. hi kirby :happy: how are you?

  11. you changed itttt

  12. oh and you failed at writing :LOL: btw

  13. :LOL: yeah that would of been weird

    i love mythbusters :D

  14. i saws you like 5 times today :LOL:



  15. i thought that said horny :facepalm: i'm like WTF o.o

    me and todd are trying to learn dueling banjos to play together :D

  16. i don't think my bye sent through cause fb chat's fucked up at the moment


  17. :LOL: that's fun!

    i would ask if you'd like to bug people on muse chat but there's no one there :indiff: darn

  18. my day was fine thank you :happy: stayed too late at jellybeans last night so i was cranky this morning :shifty:

    how about yours?

  19. :facepalm: the new facebook versions always get worse instead of best

    i remember facebook back like 3 years ago and it was the best out of all of it :happy:

    but i hate facebook chat anyways i almost never use it

  20. yeah i know you are :LOL:

    and IKR i just got the new facebook today and it's terrible :facepalm: facebook fail once again

  21. :chuckle: whatever it takesss
  22. aww :supersad:

    i'll have to tie you to the couch and make you watch them then

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