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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :happy: i'm fine thank you

    where are you from?

  2. how are you? i'm katie btw :D

  3. mfuge - mission fuge - camp

    :LOL: i watched like 5 minutes of the brits and i got bored

  4. they're lots of fun :awesome: i still talk to a lot of the friends i met at mfuge there last year

  5. mhm neither have i all the camps i go to is my choice :D

  6. so? ;D it's not one of those terrible camps your parents make you go to and you hate

  7. i found out camp dates :dance: july 5-10

  8. i've had to work with 5-7 year olds all night :facepalm::shifty: my head hurts

    and my computer has a shitload of viruses somewhere and mom's making me delete all of my stuff D: including most music

  9. :LOL: quit getting hurttt
  10. boring

    :LOL: are your knees alright?

  11. :LOL: she's pretty cool she doesn't have issues
  12. cause i don't wanna be a drop out :D and i'd be bored at home all day

  13. but don't worry i'll watch at 3 when i get home :D

  14. well you see i'm kinda in school and youtube's kinda blocked :facepalm:

  15. probably won't end up going anyways :indiff:

  16. nope i haven't

    john mayer is comming to greensborro in march i think :D

  17. i doubt better than muse :LOL:

  18. yeah and none for me so far

    camp > KOL still :D

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