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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :LOL: they'd better! or i kill you :mad::chuckle:
  2. :LOL: yeah when i was little (4 or 5) i would sing in front of church all the time fearlessly :LOL: and now i know i've always not been good at singing :facepalm:

    they better come back :awesome:

    i just had an epic sneezing attack and i think i sprained my throat or something :facepalm: :facepalm:

    :kiss: thank youuu!

  3. eh, i'm used to playing in front of a bunch of people (50+) but defo not my school :LOL: i'd do fine, and my friend who sings performs all the time, she'd do fine as well

    luckyyyyyy :p psh, i wish i was seeing muse, i live in the middle of NC and they decided to skip right over us, from atlanta to fairfax :indiff: and i couldn't end up going to either, so next time they tour the not to lovely states, i'll be sure to go :awesome:

    when's your birthday? :awesome::party:

    and i didn't wake up with a nasty swolen eye :happy: but i still feel a bit like crap :indiff:

  4. awh, i've never done a talent show, since i've just recenty (late 2008) learned how to play bass & guitar

    my nose is so stuffy D: osidjaisdjaodasj lucky, you get to see muse :indiff:

  5. :LOL: i would of been in the talent show next week, but i'm the only one in the band that goes to my school :supersad: i was going to play guitar while my friend sings a song, but she ended up playing piano and singing by herself :noey: maybe next year if the new school has one i'll be in it :awesome:

    eh, my nose = super super stuffy, eye = super watery, throat = scratchy and red, stomach = feels strange :supersad: i hate my always-sick-self :\

  6. :LOL: yeah probably... my eye starts watering up randomly so somebody's gonna be like :stunned: why is katie crying?? :wtf:

    :LOL: my band's full of adults besides me & two of the guitarists :happy: singer/acoustics is 21 or 22, don't remember :LOL: pianist is 23 and drummer is 29... meanwhile i'm 16, both the other guitarists are 15 (they switch off week to week)

  7. it's scary :eek: i'm like whatthehellwhere'dmyeyego D: D: D:

    i really hope i don't have pink eye in the morning :shifty: i've still got to go play with ze band in a little bit, they need a bass player :LOL: i haven't missed a show ever, i end up going in whatever condition i'm in :facepalm::LOL:

  8. :LOL: i'd like to be just a bit taller someday ;)

    it's not fun! it sucks :shifty: one morning i woke up with pink eye and it was a bit crusted shut :eek: D: scared the crap out of me!

  9. :LOL: i'm not done growing :) i'll probably grow a few more inches and then i'll be done... :chuckle:

    oh crapp... i think i'm getting pink eye :eek: my eye is like mad watery and itchy and a strange color :stunned: esfdjklsfsdkf :mad:

  10. ah that sucks :(

  11. :LOL: our band teacher, even though i've never had him, is pretty awesome :awesome: he's normal, and he lets me go up during lunch to play on the upright bass :happy: you know, that big bass guitar that's taller than me :stunned: and i'm about 5'7 or 5'8 :LOL: and he plays his guitar with me

    he's played trumpet for obama :awesome: that's how good he is! the choir teacher is a rather large lady who has a terrible temper and doesn't even sing well :stunned: i would be in the chorus if it weren't for her :LOL:

  12. :LOL: my principal is a freakish tall man who's last name i have no idea to spell, his voice is like double bass, and he stands too straight :stunned: assistant principals, there's two, one has a moustache and is bipolar, and the other has really short blonde hair and is an evil little antichrist :stunned: i hate my school's administraters... thanks goodness i'm transfering next year :awesome:

    yay, early release tomorrow and a two hour delay :dance:

  13. oh and ten in french (i think) is dix :chuckle:

  14. IK :LOL::LOL: but i was only slightly freaked because i'm scared of my a.principal :eek: she's overly happy and can be very bipolar :indiff:

    we might get 2 inches of snow tonight :shifty: all i want is a two hour delay, not the day off, because tomorrow's wednesday (we get out at 1:25) and i don't want another make up day :facepalm: we've already got two saturdays we need to have school on.. don't need another :mad:

  15. my spanish teacher :facepalm: is a tattle tale :LOL: all i did was ask her how to say sexy in spanish... :rolleyes: i did that two days ago and she acted completely normal!

    eh... it's sleeting :shifty:

  16. :facepalm: i was "harrassing" a teacher :shifty:

    and i came home and my brother had already bought me one :LOL: it's teal and silver, i like it better than the black and silver :D

  17. i found my phoneee :D

  18. :LOL: well i got in trouble today and had to talk to the assistant principal and i was like hmm while i'm in here do you have any extra locks :stunned:? and she's like

    YEEEEAH WE DOOOOOOOO :awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome:

    in her scary preppy voice D:

    so now i have my own locker starting tomorrow :happy:

  19. :mad: dad wouldn't take me, i guess i'll have to go one more day with sharing :facepalm: damnit
  20. i'm a supersecretspy shh :ninja: but i can't be bothered :LOL: i'm already ready to go get some well needed sleep... going to target, brb :D

  21. :LOL: i don't even use my gym locker a lot, i usually just lay my gym bag on a bench or use my own empty one with no lock though, i don't know anyone that has a gym lock :LOL:

    meh, i give up on this locker thing :shifty: i'm probably gonna go to target in the next few minutes and pick up a new one :facepalm::chuckle:

  22. they do!!

    especially when your friend brings her sports bag into the locker every single day :mad:

  23. :LOL: well i'm so glad i've got my own now, all my crap doesn't get squished, it doesn't take 10+ minutes to cram everything in :LOL: now i have my space :)
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