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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. apex is not a dump :mad:

    and yeah it probably is but i've never been so neither of us can say :D

  2. yeah but apex kinda falls into "any place" :D

  3. :LOL: mhm right, you'd probably hate living in the middle of the woods in a 10 sq mile town in the middle of no where with 35 thousand people :D
  4. not my fault i grew up in the woods :LOL: i had my friend from los angeles walk in my yard full of rocks and she couldn't bare it :LOL: it was funny

  5. they don't stink D:< eh i grew up walking barefoot though my feet are used to walking on sharp things and stuff

  6. nooo :mad: salt + wounds = ouch :supersad:

    eh i'll just put band aids over it, can play tonight barefoot like i always do :happy:

  7. cause walking on them was almost unbearable :supersad: couldn't wear shoes with them now it hurts a little less

  8. :LOL: we were walking from ht to a friends house and i took my shoes off i dunno why i wish i didn't now :supersad: i popped both of them already difsjklafl i hate blood blisters :mad:

    ah i hate walking on hot sand and hot roads D:

  9. :mad: i have a blood blister on each foot damnit

    walking 2 miles on cement = bad idea :facepalm:

  10. :LOL: i saws you too! ahhh how i love early early release :D
  11. how hot does it get?

    and it hasn't rained all week :D it's rained a lot in the past few weeks

  12. eh summers here can be terrible, sometimes hits 95-100 :supersad:

  13. i hate the heat but there's a very nice breeze outside and it feels great :awesome:

  14. mhm you should visit one day :LOL:

    aaahhh it feels so good outside :awesome: it's 72 in the shade

  15. lucky :LOL: i love the ocean and i haven't been to orlando in a while, went to myrtle beach last summer

  16. nice :D i still don't know if i'm doing anything this summer besides camp :indiff: i wanna go to orlandoooo

  17. :LOL: what are you going to be doing there?
  18. italy? equador?

  19. whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat?

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