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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. mine's really thick & the person who does my hair loves it xD she loves flipping it it's funny

    rawr i want naturally straight hair i hate using the flat iron -.-

  2. :LOL: oh how i love revenge <3

    meh i got a haircut and i got short bangs and they're all in my eyes :facepalm: it's annoyingggg

  3. ah that sucks :'( guys are complete asses at times

  4. awesome :D :D okay byee!~ :kiss:

  5. http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0190662769 mine :p

    didn't buy it, got it from someone, it's very nice :D (creme though)

    you should probably get it from a used music shop to get a better one, just not brand new :D

  6. omg awesome :D what kind of bass are you getting?

  7. no the only one i had in was the top one and it's a ring and i can't get it off without pliers and there were none there so i had to deal with it :indiff:

  8. the lady caught my earing on the brush like five times though -.-

  9. yeah that's why i never learned piano, too confusing // not patient enough :facepalm: just guitar and bass for me :p

  10. $36.50 :D i'll probably get tickets sometime soon :happy:

    my hair looks nice :happy:

  11. :LOL: i'm like, extremely impatient with everything besides music (ex. trying to learn a hard song) and i love web design and all that stuff :)
  12. no kol :D

    kings of leon

  13. :LOL: well i'm pretty darn good with technology and it's like the only thing i'm not impatient with :LOL:
  14. :D :D :D :D :D

    kol are comming to raleigh in september i'm excited :p

  15. :LOL: i'm only 2/5 done with the page setups and it's been over an hour and i'm really really tired :facepalm::indiff:
  16. i'm using something called wix, it takes a whole lot longer to set up everything, but it looks extremely nice :D

  17. :LOL: yay!

    meh, i'm trying to make a website, this shit is confusing :wtf:

  18. organis mac n cheez? what the hell? :wtf:


    oh yesums, i love me some franz :D

  19. you don't listen to kol


    :ninja: i kill you

    mac n cheese, i'd ask you to make me some but i'm full from chinese take out :p

  20. omg what happened :'( :supersad: are you okay?

  21. *is not a man* :phu:

    kol are comming to raleigh in september i can't faaahking wait :D :D :D

    what's up wiff you?

  22. mhm i knowww

    i'm getting a haircut tomorrow after school too :mad: so i won't be home till like 4 or 5 i doubt it'll sell out :LOL:

  23. :awesome:sauce

    guess whaaaat o:

    kol are comming to raleigh in september :dance::dance:

  24. ticketmaster said 10 am

    they'd better not cause i'll be in school :indiff:

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