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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. bass: katie guitar: emma you've got post: kirby drums: liz
  2. ended up playing with a painless pick removing background noise atm
  3. i caught my middle finger on a staple in school today so it kills to play, still gonna do it
  4. my to do list: bass: MK ultra invincible i believe that's all for now . . . oh crap i'm about to miss the bus BYE
  5. bass is fairly easy i'll have a shot at it in a little bit after school!
  6. let's just have everyone record ontop of the other singing this so it's not embarrassing for all of us
  7. well, i'm supposed to be asleep right now but i did it anyways someone'll have to mash all of this up together, i'm a n00b http://www.zshare.net/download/741988080e26c87f/
  8. damnit, one minute late ^ oh well, who's doing guitar?
  9. my computer is gay and won't let me posted it in the addictive thread for you!
  10. kirby i have a version with both drums and bass, i dunno where to post it though cause the only place you can attach a file is a thread
  11. well my computer's gay and whenever i click on the upload thing nothing happens :'(
  12. time warner music pavillion :happy:

  13. got it and i'm adding everyone lovexisxourxresistance@hotmail.com
  14. blah, oh well, i might as well post it if someone can reduce the bad bass sound, please so oh crap, does anyone know of a good media sharing site since it won't let me use attachments ?
  15. jkdfhkjszdfz, so i'm such a n00b at audacity and i've got a recording of both the bass and drums smashed together, but the bass quality just sounds blah when i hit the higher notes, does anyone know how to fix it?
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