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Everything posted by Kris.

  1. Kris.

    :awesome: that's grand.

    After florence's set security started to pull people out from the pit,there were 2 guys between me,they pulled loads of people out over my back and head i didn't have any space to move and even breathe. :stunned: all i was thinking of was that i don't want to die,lol. That was awful,but i've survived with several bruises and with pain. So damn worth it. :LOL:

    i almost had a heart attack that Dizzee pointed at me and Florence waved. Agjpaktja tjmt

  2. Kris.

    That was amazing,i was at the barrier all day for the main stage.Bit aside,left side of the stage.Simon was wearing blue tight pants and was topless. :eyebrows: fantastic artists,loved all of them. :happy:

    Matt during UD went on the podium right in front me,he was like 3 or 4 metres away.All i did was waving my flag and shouting "matthew,look!" and he noticed.

    Can't believe it's over. :supersad:

  3. Kris.

    Awh,right,work. :facepalm: must be really exhausting,innit. :( Oxegen was fantastic,i went on saturday,10/7/10.Saw the stranglers,two door cinema club,biffy,florence+the machine,dizzee rascal,kasabian and muse.oh fuck,that was incredible. :stunned: dom's outfit,matt wearing the raincoat!the set was amazing,they've started with plug in baby.it was raining all bloody day!:eek: even during muse's set.i thought that they were drunk a bit,cause matt was staring at the camera and smiled like an idiot for a while.:LOL: it was one of the best summer shows this year ever,incredible! Lol at that grandpa,he must be really annoying. :chuckle:

  4. Kris.

    Haiiii,Suvi!:kiss: how are ya,love?:awesome:

    fuuuck,oxegen was the best gig evah!are you excited about monday?

    You know what,i'm not going to Latvia,i'll miss muse there second time.. :'( i'm required to work and there's no one who'd replace me.The feeling is so awful,i know how feel those people who werd looking forward to meet me. :(


  5. I hope it's true.This epic performance must be on DVD. :shifty::LOL: matt said that they're gonna play an old song,hope we remember(:LOL:)it's for the bloody messageboard,had a laugh,Dom said smth but can't quite remember. :LOL:

    one of the best summer shows indeed. :awesome:

    no,i can't go.. I'm the only one who works there,so no chance!I feel so pissed about myself and the others cause i haven't got any chance to meet anyone. :'( fuck,i just hope that when the new album will come out,they'd return to Latvia again.aww,thanks for your suppport. :kiss:

  6. I'll miss you so much. :supersad:

  7. They were at the top form. so much energy. And the fact is,they love Ireland!:awesome: well,not that much footage from the gig on youtube.i've heard somewhere that the pro-shot vids will be shown on mtv2 at the end of month or in august.I saw the cameras,so.. :shifty:

    well,Matt said "the bloody messageboard" and had a little laugh,like joking,he didn't mean anything bad.:chuckle: i wanna go back there. :'( it was raining and sooo much mud!I love oxegen. :awesome:


    but i've got some bad news aswell,though.. I'm not going to my hometown and neither seeing muse this saturday.just because i have to work and there's no one who'd replace me!i was in tears and still am.fuck's sake,i'm missing muse in Latvia the second bloody time!:facepalm: awh god..

  8. I think they were a bit drunk,especially Matt. We saw megaphone on the piano but then Matt play USOE.Before that he stared at camera and smiled like an idiot! He totally did drink something before show cause normally he doesn't act like that. :LOL:

    omg,like a big condom? i lole'd so hard at this. :chuckle:

    It was a huge Irish flag,with printed Muse logo on it.He saw it twice,so :awesome:! The best gig I've ever been to my life. :stunned: It was raining ALL day,even during Muse's set.

  9. :happy: I was laughing my arse off! :LOL: and Maffoo was wearing a raincoat,lol.

    and you know what.. i got the barrier,the left side,a bit aside from the stage.During UD Matt got on a podium,he was right in front of me! :eek: He played the intro,I shouted ''Matthew,look!'' I was waving my flag.And then he finally noticed! he came there twice,was playing an epic riff but I can't quite remember after which song was it. Setlist was amazing,fuuuck,they've started with PIB! :stunned: 14 songs,but I've had the best time at the gig EVER.

  10. haiiiiiiiii,Mafa. :kiss: how are you,love?

    omg,Oxegen was fantastic,Dom's hilarious suit and Matt's glitteratti suit looked so goddamn good!:stongue:


  11. :awesome: olol.

    i can't believe it''s over!

  12. You must had a grand view.

    at oxegen i was at the barrier,left side,bit aside from the stage.I was there all day from around 3pm till 1am. :stunned: When Matt played UD intro,he got on the podium which was right in front of me.He was so close!I was waving my flag and shouting "Matthew,look!" And then he noticed.

  13. I know how's the stage set-up.Have you got any pics from the show?So,you were at the barrier?:awesome:

  14. :LOL: you're not the only one who wants to do it,but yeah,go ahead. :awesome::chuckle: i'm jealous,cause you've attended a stadium show already!
  15. It hurts so much. :'(

    i have a show to look forward which is in september at wembley.

  16. Hey!:)

    take a look at Positivus thread. :supersad:

  17. i know whatcha mean. :ninja:

  18. It's good,you say? :erm:

    :LOL: i fail.

  19. Neighbour jokes? :LOL: awh,lol.. to be honest,i don't know anything much about estonians. :$

  20. Because you're :awesome: !! seriously,why i'm excited - 1) a boardie; 2) you're Estonian,we're kinda neighbours. :LOL:

  21. :shifty:









    hell yes. :awesome: i'm so glad that you're coming to Postivus. :party:xx

  22. Cwazy people. :stunned: I dunno around what time I could get at oxegen.. maybe loads of people will move between stages.will there be any chance to get to the front then? :chuckle:

  23. hmm. i think i might stay at the main stage all day. :LOL:

    i really want to be at the barrier. when people do start to queue?i got bus at 10 am from the city centre to oxegen. :erm: the ticket says everything starts from 1:30 pm.. :erm:

  24. that would be :awesome: indeed! But it not probably gonna happen.:LOL:

    okay. ;) ohhh,Oxegen will be epic..My second time seeing them! :awesome: and I want to get to the barrier,how is it at Oxegen?I hope it's not that hard. :chuckle:


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