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Everything posted by Kris.

  1. AM!:kiss: missed you so much! how you've been lately?:kiss:


    How was the gig? :awesome:



  2. Not that well.:( Very hard. Employers are looking for the experienced people nowadays. :indiff:

    And my sis just got my mood down. Only because that I didn't get the green bin out. Jeez. ffs.


  3. The oldest one I've ever childminded was a 3 years old girl. There were some situations that she didn't listen to me,was doing what she wanted and was even arguing with me. :LOL: Her sister is younger,she's like 1 year and half old but sometimes she's crying without the reason and especially when she sees her mum going away. :facepalm: A disaster.


  4. It's true,I can't stand children.Fact. :noey:

    Is it? :$ Thanks,I thought it's not that good. :LOL: But I remember people saying that I look like Irish and they got surprised after I reveal my nationality. :awesome::LOL:


  5. haha,okay. :LOL: I hope that my English is not that bad and you can understand me normally. :chuckle:


    I think I'd rather give them to my sisters as they made me look after their. :chuckle: Like,seriously,I've been doing this for many years. :indiff: Dunno if I might want children in the future,just saying. :chuckle:


  6. Not that much blonde girls in Ireland. :chuckle: Most they are brunettes like me. :chuckle: I dunno which color I have my eyes. :erm: Greenish grey,or smth? :LOL:

    Me,english? :eek: Are you serious?

    Indeed. :awesome:


  7. Irish girls love to use loads of make up. :LOL: but I love their hair,I've seen few girls who have fabulous hair! I might look more than an Irish girl,though. Cause I don't look like a typical Latvian girl - blonde hair,blue eyes. Something similar to Scandinavian people. :chuckle:


    Suuuure,Chris would be so proud of us! :LOL:



  8. Well.. Don't know about the dutch girls,their temperament might be a problem. :chuckle: Irish girls are fine. :chuckle:

    I prefer British guys. :eyebrows::LOL:


    YES! :LOL: :LOL:

  9. hah,we're at the same boat. :LOL:

    awww,I'm sure you'll find a sweet girl which would be the one for you! :happy: Head up. ;) Sometimes it's better being single. :chuckle:


  10. I got pregnant from Muse! :eek::LOL:

    noooo,I DO look different,believe me. A bit. ;) Are you in a relationship,btw?

    I'm seeking for a new one but it's really hard and it sucks! :(


  11. You never know what might change 9 months. :LOL: lol,sounds like that I'm talking about pregnancy or something. :facepalm: xDD Well,I think that I do look different from that pic. :chuckle:

  12. The food in Ireland is rich with calories. :LOL: I like it,though. :p:chuckle:

    No,I haven't. :erm: Don't think that I've heard of it anyway. :erm:

    You haven't even met me in life,heh. :chuckle: I think I should change my profile pic,the current one was taken few days after my 1st Muse gig which last year in November. :LOL:


  13. Don't you worry. :LOL::) it's fine.

    Pwomise me that you'll come back to Ireland afterwards. :awesome: Have you ever tried Irish breakfast? The amount of it so massive that I'd eat smth like that at dinner not breakfast. :stunned:

    I am single indeed.. And I don't know why,guys doesn't seem to like me,I guess. :erm:


  14. Korni is a girl from Lithuania,she's a part of my keeps on board. :chuckle:

    That made me laugh a bit. :happy: I'm single for more than a year and it scares me. :erm::LOL:


  15. You should get someone who'd hold you. :LOL:

    but it's so worth it,I remember my first time seeing them. :happy:

  16. Aww,that's so sweet. :happy: Sure thing I'd love to come!

    And.. No,I'm single. :$

    That GIF is priceless! :LOL: from which vid is it,do you know?


  17. Yeees. So,I hope that those 3 or more years would pass very quickly and I'd see Muse live again. :dance:

  18. :$:chuckle: Yes,I am 18 indeed.

    Still can't believe it,although my b-day was 2 months ago. :facepalm::LOL:

  19. While I was looking at that list were you mentioned those good things about Holland,that Dom's GIF like is agreeing with everything. It's killing me! :LOL: lol.

    But yeah,sounds good,though. ;)


  20. Tulip field. :happy: That's the place I'd love to visit!

    Is it really that dangerous? :eek: Oh my.


  21. Lovely. :stunned: Nawh,that's fine,I could sneak in your suitcase some day. :eyebrows: jk,jk. :chuckle:

    You're 16,aren't you?

  22. That,actually sounds scary. :stunned: It's pretty much the same in Latvia. :ninja: People are rude,when you get in,let's say,the bus,people will always stare at you or will say something bad behind your back. :noey: Yeah,I get what you mean. Wow,haven't heard that someone would say smth like that about Holland. Oh well. Is the even tourism safe down there? :chuckle:



  23. lawl. :chuckle: I'd love to go there one day. Must be beautiful,right? :happy:


  24. :yesey: Exacly. :)

    Greece? :eek: Jealous,take me there! :supersad:

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