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cherry lips

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Posts posted by cherry lips

  1. kužiš....lik je ovak napisal:

    Nažalost, Muse nam je donio ogroman gubitak zadnji put (2 x 100.000 €), a kako znam i svim promoterima u regiji (Mađarska i sl.).


    Tako da sumnjam da će uopće navraćati u ove krajeve…


    grozno...a baš sam se nadala, al naravno da ih organizatori neće više zvat kad imaju samo gubitke jer svi idu slušat cecu il koga već....jadno do bola....


    znammm,meni je bilo tako žao,u mom razredu djeca doslovno čitaju MUSE baš kako se piše ,al vala znaju svaku cecinu pjesmu barem refren otpjevat,misle da je muse indijansko jelo ili tak nešto...

  2. Had 2 Muse dreams last night:


    1) Simon Pegg was reading out Muse-related news and regular news bulletins from the past year (I'd been watching Spaced stuff recently, which is why he was in it). He mentioned that Chris had had a son then went on to say "...he got shot. Oh wait, that was someone else's son who got shot, not Chris's"


    2) I was going to see Muse at what was supposed to be the Echo Arena, but which looked like a sports hall. I met up with my friend and we were about to sit down, but she wasn't listening to what I was saying. To get her attention, I headbutted the chair I was about to sit on, and it made me pass out for a bit, and I felt really sick. This meant I couldn't stay to watch the gig, because I felt really ill. I woke up with a headache. Very weird...


    hahahahahahahahahahaha,weird dreams...

  3. So this was my first MUSE dream...


    Before i fell asleep I was supposed to watch the Vma's but they weren't dued for that night but for the next night and i was a bit mad cause i had to wake up at 3.00 am to watch them (i live in bosnia,new york is on the other side of the planet)...


    And i dreamt that Muse were somewhere backstage and all of these lights,green lights were around me like the ones when Muse performed Starlight at Ema's and everything was really dark but in this corner I saw Matt,Dom and Chris sitting and Dom's former girlfriend Jessica (remember her?) was there and was doing a lap dance in MATT'S LAP!

    I remember that i ran to them and started screaming at Jessica "You slut,bitch-skank,WHORE,on MY MATT,YOU WHORE,I hope you die,SLUT",and the four of them were just looking at me and i was really hysterical,screaming and yelling....

    and then I woke up....


    the dream was really really weird....

    and even in my dreams I was possesive about Matt LOlz....

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