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Everything posted by Hedgeclipper

  1. I was hoping to do this, and eventually I probably will. It might take some time though because I'm at college and I don't get a lot of free time so it's hard to find time for it. I'm about to start working on part 1 now, so I'll let you know when that's done. Should be fun though, can't wait until it's done :)

  2. Well, I'm going to change the last ones at least, and I'll listen to the first ones to see if they are different too. I still need to update with the other thing you found as well.... I'm bad at having free time

  3. Well it is possible, but without listening really closely to it I can't tell. The only thing I know is that when I originally wrote it out I heard 2 eighth notes. I could have been lazy because I was finishing up, and I wanted to get it done because it was late at night but whatever. I'll have a look at it later when I have more time. From listening to it now really quickly, I think the last Eura-SIA!s have two sixteenths and an eighth on the left hand instead of two eighths. I don't know about the other ones though, there's a lot of stuff happening and it's hard to hear just the piano

  4. It's possible that there's more than two of them sometimes, but at most it would be two sixteenths and an eighth. From what I can hear it always ends with an eighth note

  5. I don't think so... They sound like 8th notes to me, 16ths are too fast

  6. Good catch, I didn't even think about changing that chord....

    Also there were four instances of that so you fixed four mistakes :)

  7. Yay copy paste, so useful :)

    Anywho, I need to go to bed considering I have to wake up in five and a half hours to go to work.... I'll be on tomorrow sometime making last minute changes to the sheet music before I record it this weekend. So yeah, let me know about any wrong notes or whatever, and I'll be sure to change them tomorrow :)

  8. Oh, well I don't know the names of them (hopefully I can get into a music theory course next year at college and learn all of this useful stuff), but the same chords sound good in different parts, therefore: copy paste done

  9. haha, I didn't think I would either, but I got on a roll. Also, it all follows the same chord progression and repeats parts sometimes, so it didn't take that long.

  10. Why thank you :)

    After the intro I'm pretty confident in it, and other than maybe adding more things in later, it's pretty much set.

  11. I'm sorry!

    It'll never happen again I swear

  12. Oh, of course, how could I not have even considered that?

  13. Oh noez!!! *Looks around with shifty eyes*



    Wait... I'm not a drummer why would you do that?

  14. Well, befriend one of them and make them keep time for you :)



  15. I'm sure there's at least one drummer on here... :p


    or you could just get a reliable foot that goes *tap tap tap tap* at exactly 69.5 bpm

  16. Ha, that's one way to look at it I guess. And that's why dom's there, to keep him in time :p

  17. Well fine then, Matt has no sense of tempo:p

  18. I'm saying it starts at 69.5 because he takes liberty with the tempo for a while until he settles into a set tempo around 70... Huge difference I know :)

  19. It's not that fast.:$

    I think the intro is slower than the first "section" which I think is 70....ish

  20. Well, my piano does not have .5s... 70 is almost it... at least I thought it stayed to the song pretty well.

    Later it does change to 80 though, during the instrumental part. I had noteworthy playing the song alongside my music player and they fit in perfectly so 80 is the exact tempo for the instrumental bits.

  21. Ha, well, I'm pretty bad, I just sat down for all of the free time I had for a day and worked on it until it sounded right sooooo.... yeah. Eventually we should be able to get it down.

  22. Ha, well, I'm pretty bad, I just sat down for all of the free time I had for a day and worked on it until it sounded right sooooo.... yeah. Eventually we should be able to get it down.

  23. Yeah, I tried fixing it, and the chords sound right when I compare them to the song, but when I play them they still kind of clash.... ugh..

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