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Everything posted by Couture

  1. I had issues for about 20 minutes where I kept losing ticket selections because TM continuously rejected my payment or errored out when processing. I was about to give up when I refreshed to find 2 tickets front row dead center which I scored. Couldn't believe it and it's definitely more than I planned to pay for the show, but I couldn't pass it up.
  2. I was able to get GA for the 20th in the pre-sale and also just scored 4 seats in section 101 for the 21st. Thanks for sharing the info timberley!
  3. Just boarded an overnight bus from Montreal to NY. I briefly met and chatted with another fan in line wearing a Muse shirt. Reveal yourself!
  4. I managed to get a ticket through a friend who bought 2 through the sale, so I'll see you all there!
  5. Sooo... Is anyone looking for a +1? Long shot, I know, but I figured I would check. I moved from NYC to Montreal last year but I'd love to fly back down for the show, and unfortunately I was dicked over during both sales.
  6. Does anyone know anything about the NYC advanced screening? Regal Ewalk still says to be confirmed, and when I called them about it today they said they didn't have anything in the books, so I'm guessing that's out. Sunshine is showing it on Wednesday, but I couldn't get a straight answer on if it's going to be projected in 4K.
  7. I lost my job last week, so unfortunately I'm putting up my recently acquired MB-1 for sale on Ebay if anyone here is interested: Â http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=181042625168 Â
  8. EXO-POLITICS, The Small Print, Endlessly, Forced In, Uno, and (not so much that it's overrated, but rather rarely discussed) Apocalypse Please. I'd give up Bliss, CE, and RBS in the sets for a chance to have Apocalypse Please back.
  9. Thanks! It looks like the voting temporarily disappeared from the main site though... weird.

  10. SHOWBIZ Sunburn x2 Muscle Museum x2 Cave (guitar) Showbiz ORIGIN OF SYMMETRY New Born x8 Bliss x3 Plug in Baby x8 Citizen Erased x2 Micro Cuts Feeling Good x6 ABSOLUTION Apocalypse Please Time is Running Out x10 Stockholm Syndrome x8 Hysteria x9 Butterflies and Hurricanes x3 The Small Print Ruled by Secrecy x2 BLACK HOLES AND REVELATIONS Take a Bow x2 Starlight x9 Supermassive Black Hole x9 Map of the Problematique x6 Soldier's Poem Invincible x2 City of Delusion Knights of Cydonia x9 THE RESISTANCE Uprising x7 Resistance x7 Undisclosed Desires x7 United States of Eurasia x7 Guiding Light x5 Unnatural Selection x6 MK Ultra x2 I Belong To You Exogenesis: Overture x5 OTHER Glorious America Nishe x5 Neutron Star Collision
  11. Several of us are getting spots over at Hotel Wembley. It's about a 15 minute walk away from the venue and one of the more reasonably priced options. I'd check it out!

  12. Agreed on the first two points, and I'm afraid the video game point would be better suited for another debate. Here's where I'm in disaccord though; Muse not only sold the rights of one song to a franchise, they also sold the rights of an exclusive one-off version of another track, and worst of all, recorded a proprietary song for the series. I'm not saying their motives were fiscal, but it comes down to one word... FAME. There's nothing wrong with them wanting it. Hell, they've worked their asses off for over ten years doing what they love and do best. They've reached a point where until now all of their good publicity were based on word of mouth, insanely good live performances, and pure talent. You could argue though that Matt is starting to develop a 'bigger than Jesus' complex. He said in the September 2009 Spin magazine article, and I quote, "We'd like to be remembered as one of the biggest bands in history." Again, nothing too wrong with that. It's the cheap parlor tricks that they're using to obtain it. Now, I'll digress for a moment and admit that I still love the band and almost everything about them. I still see them multiple times every tour (and jump and sing along to all of the songs), will recommend them to anyone showing even mild interest, and own more shirts of theirs than any sane human being should. What they're doing to themselves though is cheapening their image to obtain fame and popularity faster, and because of this discrediting themselves artistically. Before, I would NEVER hear anyone say anything negative about the band. The truth is, they're quickly becoming more and more kitschy to those in the music and art worlds, and are becoming more appealing to 14 year old girls than to others. Like you said, Muse is growing up... As much as I'd love for the wild guitar smashing Muse to return, I know that's not going to happen. I would just like to see a Muse again who doesn't give as much of a fuck. Back in the OOS days, Nestle tried to obtain the rights of Feeling Good for a commercial. The band refused, but they used it anyway. You know what Muse did? They sued Nestle, and walked away with a settlement which was donated to Oxfarm. Nowadays they would probably approach Nestle to use the song. Long rant short, I don't EVER want to see a Muse poster in Wal Mart like you can with Greenday And as a random aside, I noticed that we were at the same show in Boston this year. Crowd surf laugh FTW!
  13. Now, I LOVE Muse. I listen to them daily, been following them since 2000, and soak up and generally enjoy almost everything they release on some level. With that said, I also retain my right to be critical of them, since I WANT them to succeed. ----- Undisclosed Desires and Exo-Politics are among two of the best songs to come off of the last two albums. Hyper Music and Cave are kind of boring. They will never top Absolution (although I'd love for them to prove me wrong). While amazing live, the studio recordings of Plug in Baby and New Born are pretty meh (I've been too spoiled at shows I suppose). Exogenesis was a little bit of a let down (Redemption for the most part). Covering Back in Black was nearly as bad of an idea as playing Feeling Good. every. single. night. Glorious should have taken the place of Starlight on BH&R. They need to give songs like TIRO, Hysteria, SS and SMBH a break live. Fans will beg for their return and won't take them for granted as much (B&H and Bliss, anyone? We used to get those all the time). Finally, Muse are starting to become sellouts. Really, it saddens me to think about it, but it's true. They need to wise up before they rapidly lose their cred they've worked so long and hard to create. Gotta snag that 14 year old fanbase, y'know! Phew, flame away
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