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Everything posted by NicePockets

  1. haha, have a good sleep! it's about 12pm here :LOL:

    i've got about 2 days of school left before summer holidays woooooooooo! :awesome: how long till your next break?

  2. yeah, i know what you mean :)


    yeah, it works alright.... yeah, having a long summer break is good, though it's always to hot here :p

    wow, i get the system (sorta) now, thats quite interesting!


    haha, im sure we'd find a way (allll of us), after all, we're crazy musers! :LOL:

  3. WOAH that's cold! :eek:

    gah, it got to about 41 degrees this weekend... not tolerable... personally i prefer the cold :D

    wanna swap? :LOL:


    ahhh well aus. school is from what i can work out, rather different...

    so yeah, school starts at about the end of january, we have four terms per year, with a two-three week break between each term (the amount of time depends on the school... its really dumb that way). so yeah we finish now, and have 6 weeks to two months break depending on the school ( i get the full two months :awesome:)

    so yeah, summer break is at the beginning/end of the school year, and just so happens to soincide with the actual beginning/end of the year :D i think it makes sense that way...


    i suppose you would just take part of a gap year off or something, i dunno, im not really rich enough to study overseas :rolleyes:


    hahaha hibernation :)


    awww im sure they wouldnt find them offesive, i bet they laugh at someof the dumb pictures of them too! if you COULD get them to him it'd be great, but only if you felt comfortable of course...


    so whats the school system like in estonia?


    ooh, i gotta go now, so if you reply i can answer back tomorrow or something :)


  4. but that IS our life! :LOL:


    oh haha, yeah, guess i didn't explain... australian :happy:

    yeah, its getting quite ridiculously hot down here now... sunday was hell...


    where are you from? (i could check your profile but i'd rather make you answer :D)'


    hope you get better... oh, and i'd just like to (as many others have probably done) congratualte you on those amazingly lolsome 101 lolz :awesome: i love them, they're awesome

    i actually think the band would love to see them! :)


  5. :D dom's bum works excellent magic :happy:


    ohhh, have you been sick? :( poor you... :kiss: muse-boarding isn't "nolife"-y! :)


    im alright, almost on summer holidays! :dance:

  6. the scissors sisters ok no, serious one now... i'd like to hear them covering some opera (MORE than they did in IBtY), but obviously with a bit of a rock-y feel im not being blaspemous to opera, i love classical opera, i just think with matt's voice they could do some amaaazing things with that.... (don't hurt me please?)
  7. hey there, im emily :D

    sorry for being a tad random, but i really like your avatar... dom doing a charsleton step (at least that's what it looks like), not to mention the sexeh bum :LOL::eyebrows:


    so yah, just wanted to say that and.... hi! how's it going? :D


    xx em

  8. teehee :chuckle:

    thanks, i love :kiss:es :awesome:

    :afro:what about this one? it looks like youbg chris! :LOL: :LOL:

    or this one hehe :joker:


    smilies are :awesome:, :yesey: they are!


  9. :D no probs


    how's it going? have you seen any of the resistance tour yet?

    em xx

  10. wahey, bertha's working again, finally!

    yeah, that is kinda stupid, but i think their also touring japan then... well im preying they'll keep to their word and make it here SOMETIME in winter (after all, it IS three months?)

  11. ah ok... damnit...


    yeah im going, sooo excited :D i dont think they're doing side shows, matt said they were coming back in winter...

  12. haha no, i wish... year 9 :/


    so i shouldn't be expecting an explanation then?


    oh yeah, you going to BDO next year?

  13. yeah, not fun... no more exams myself, but i do have a speech exam thingie in a week... and my speech needs to have 5 minutes chopped off it... which i seem to be unable to do...


    oh you bet i am :p

  14. im alright, going back to school tomorrow... do not want :(




    anicwiw eujcwbf? *confused*



  15. oh hey, you changed your username! how's it going eh?


    yes, it would probably either be Getting Wise or Make Up Your Mind i think? those both have piano riff-y type things?

    depends, where did you hear it?

    im guessing its one of those two, they're the most well known/played ones... do you remember any lyrics?


    nice to talk to you

    em (aka pockets) xx

  16. hahaha it arrived without dommehkins? shame on him! :noey:

  17. oh yes, im thinking it wasnt a female who created the :boobs:

    um... :viking:!



  18. ohno! :eek: how could i forget :pimp:

    maybe i should mention :afro: s:vomit::cabasa: and :joker:

    oh and the :boobs:


  19. there are WAY :awesome: !

    i could never forget my lovely :musesign:s and :LOL:s and of course :niall:!

    :LOL: ahahaha

  20. lol nice ;)

    maybe he'll come for you in his new cowboy suit... *suggestive* :eyebrows:

  21. ah awesome! i miss being able to do nothing but "muse" here all day :LOL:

    i've almost forgotten how to use the smilies :eek:

  22. hi! :D noob question here, but where excatly did the "im matt bellamy and you're not a friend of me' thing come from? :happy:

    please and thankyou :LOL:

    xx em

  23. wowww... i didnt know jmag joined the board! :awesome: welcome to muserdom :LOL:

    we're a fun bunch ain't we? :happy:

    can't wait to get my jmag, should arrive in the mail... today perhaps? lol


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