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Everything posted by NicePockets


  2. :happy: awwwww fanks! :awesome: i had an aweeesooome day :D


    yes, the red hair is yum :stongue: in the extreeeeeme ;):eyebrows:

  3. ohhhh that sucks! :( lol

    hehehe that's odd :erm::LOL: aww, matt's suit! :happy:

  4. aww that's alright, oh you were sick? :supersad: that sucks, feeling better now?

    ohh coool! :D yeah haarp is amaaazing, ill probably break my copy too :$:LOL:

  5. oh cool, no i'm going on the 22nd

  6. haha nah it's cool, it just tends to bug me sometimes 'cause everyone tells me i look young for my age (and then they tell me i act like a crotchety old man, go figure) :)


    yeah, 6 days before the bdo :D yeah im going to sydney one, are you going?

  7. young?! :phu: lol i guess... i don't like being called young though :p


    um... didn't i? i thought i did :erm: ahh, must add it in then lol


    yeah im going to bdo :D soo excited, it's gonna be friggin epic...

  8. noo that's alright, i'm 14 (almost 15 :LOL:)


    and yourself? im emily by the way :D



  9. :awesome: muse canvas! :dance:


    mine was... interesting :happy: nahh it was alright, not PARTICULARLY musey... my folks still don't get the whle muse thing, plus they thought it was too expensive to get me anything from the online store :supersad:


    but i got HAARP :happy: and some other good stuff too lol


    did you get anythign else?

  10. ohai! merry christmas to you too! though a leetle late :rudolph:


    lol, i haven't been on a computer since the 23rd :p


    how was your christmas? nice and musey? :awesome::musesign:

  11. sydeny... new south wales :D it's alright, compared to the more outback regions i guess...

  12. yeah :p personally i think Zurich is more awesome, but apparently everyone thinks australia is really cool :LOL:

  13. yes, well, i knew that, it's just a little early in the morning yet and im tired :(


    :facepalm: lol


    im seeing them at the Big Day Out festival in january :D eeeeeeeeeeee! *excited*

  14. :LOL::facepalm: you could have just said my country is in my username lol


    *feels silly*

  15. i'm ok, on holidays so it's all good :)


    have you been to a resistance gig yet? sorry, couldn't be stuffed to check your location to know whether they've been there yet :rolleyes:

  16. :happy:


    cool, how's it going Chris (is it alright if i call you chris, or do you prefer Christoffer? :erm:)

  17. hey, i just noticed your avatar is moving at the same time as what im listening to :D


    awesome :awesome:


    by the way, im emily :happy:



  18. sounds good, hope it goes well...

  19. ah i see, im sorry about that... my folks are a little overprotective too, they just don't like me using the computer in general :facepalm: but they can't do much about it haha...


    well, let me know how the story is going from time to time


  20. that's a really good idea... i love writing, but im stuck for ideas at the moment... thinking about doing some pieces inspired by the Smiths' music... some other half formed ideas swirling around too...


    if you wanna collaborate on this project, i'd be happy to help! that's if it's ok with you that is :$



  21. :) dark and depressing, sounds like me (not alll the time, i guess... but an alarmingly predominant amount)


    ah i see, talk to you then! xx

  22. hehe, thanks :)


    it's not so bad being forgotten... having all you other erased citizens there with me makes it alright :D

    nyawwwwwww :happy:


    sooo.... what's good here? :LOL: xx

  23. hehe, i like the username! :D

    how's it going?

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