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Posts posted by alternaterealities

  1. Ah this gets me so psyched about seeing Muse :awesome:

    Except I'm gonna be at Big Day Out, on Australia Day, which means tons of drunk bogans. Though hopefully they won't be in the pit for Muse...

    My friend and I who are going haven't been in a rough pit before so thaanks, this thread really helps :happy:


    Which reminds me, if you are on the rail, make nice with security directly in front of you. They will definitely look out for you and prevent this sort of thing. Some security dudes are super sweet!


    Agreed. I was at The Presets with my friend, and her older sister knows some of the security guards at the venue we were at, and so she told them ahead of time about us and asked them to look after us. So my friend introduced herself to them and throughout the gig they kept giving us bottles of water and checked up on us often. Really helped a lot. :)

  2. To the bold: Nice one:rolleyes:

    I wouldn't be disappointed, those are awesome dreams - and in one night!:)


    :LOL: I know, should be Dom's new costume.


    Oh no I was incredibly happy to have had those dreams, I was disappointed cos they weren't real.

  3. I met Muse twice in my dream last night :awesome: Actually I think it was two seperate dreams.


    First one, I was waiting in this big hall thing after a Muse concert, there was a lot of people and we were all waiting for Muse to come out.

    Then they came out wearing these green elf costumes, with hats and everything, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Except I was like "There they are!" and I ran over and got a photo with Dom and then Matt, and hugged them, and Dom had his aviators on. They weren't too happy that I'd spotted them. Then I was looking through pics I took at the concert and stuff. I remember thinking I was gonna tell everyone on facebook about it :LOL:


    I woke up then, but fell asleep again, and dreamt that I was at this random place, and there was a bunch of us waiting to meet Muse, and they eventually we saw them and I was seeing if they remembered me...I think they did? Then I was talking to Chris about cameras, and he goes "I LOVE cameras!" and I said "Do you like lomography?" (analogue/film photography) and he said "I LOVE lomography!"

    So I had one of my lomo cameras with me, and I showed Chris and he thought it was cool, and I asked if I could take a picture of the three of them, and Dom and Matt were reluctant to but they agreed to. The three of them were all posing for the photo. Except the flash on my camera had fallen off, and Dom made some comment about it. Can't remember what though. I took the photo and the flash worked and I was surprised. Then they left.


    Woke up quite disappointed.

  4. dom in a speedo





    Very strange dream the other night.


    I was running around in this fairground with my best friend, apparently being chased by something. We ran past a CD stall, and Futurism was playing. I yell "THE TICKET!" produce a Muse ticket out of nowhere, and wave it about. My best friend then says, 'We must find Chris!", so we run into this big hotel. All the while Hyper Music is playing.

    We ask for Chris' room, and the concierge says Room 6, Floor 26. We take the lift up and begin to knock on Room 6. The door falls open, only to find the whole band in sparkly suits and conversing in a meeting. Matt looks up and yells "Oh goody, Eurasian fugitives!" and stuffs us in his electric Manson guitar case. My friend and I get carried to the soundcheck, and hide for the concert below the stage.


    Weird, huh?



  5. I can't really remember my dream from last night all that well, but from what I do remember, Rosie (who hosts Super Request on Triple J, a radio station, here) joined the forums and posted something...then the next thing I remember is that I was at this beach and I think Rosie was there and so was Matt. And thats all I remember :LOL:

  6. A Muse song in my dream again! I was in this shop and TIRO from HAARP started playing and I grinned and went "MUSE!" and this guy working there smiled at me and I was hoping for a good conversation about Muse but then I walked off... and yeah the rest of the dream has nothing to do with Muse.

  7. Well I was at some fair or something, and there was this guy, Andrew Hansen (from a tv show called The Chasers War On Everything) and he was being a radio host. And he said he was going to be playing Uprising so I waited around with him alllll day and he never ended up playing the single. :(

    Then later on in my dream I was in some newsagent and they began playing Muse songs, including 'You Fucking Mother Fucker" :LOL: and 'Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want". It was exciting and I was like "I have to tell everyone on the boards!"

    Then I woke up. And here I am telling you all. :p

  8. Last night I spent the night with one of my friends. It just so happened that I fell asleep first, and considering we had been talking Muse, you can assume what my dream was about.

    When I woke up, she randomly goes "OMG GUESS WHAT? YOU WERE TALKING IN UR SLEEP!" i'm like "oh crap. what did i say?"

    her reply?

    *hand motions in the air, rubbing motion* "oh matt! Dom! your butt is so soft!!!"






    Embarrassing much.

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