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Status Updates posted by superimposition

  1. yo dave im making a bday pres for stephen and could you do me a favour by telling me which of the following chocolates you have in ireland?






  2. yeah. :c man 65 wouldve been amazing.

  3. yeah the line ups nowhere near as good as last year's. :LOL: to be fair though; last year had 3/5 of my absolute favourite bands so its enourmously hard to top. itll be my fourth time seeing asiwyfa!! :awesome:

  4. The early thursday ticket could, otherwise no. Would be cool, man!

  5. Are you actually from Luxembourg? If so, congrats on speaking pretty much the coolest language!!

  6. you comin' to atg this year btw?

  7. berlin-bonus, lmao.


    muss dir da aber wirklich punkte geben berlin rockt hart. va kreuzberg & friedrichshain.

    jede stadt in welcher man für 3 euro 'nen guten döner bekommt ist mir sympathisch. in zürich kostet einer normalerweise 8 €

  8. naja. ich fands ziemlich kurzweilig, die samples fand ich teils auch cool. aber ja ich verstehs

  9. kann ich verstehn. ich mag die derben songtexte, aber ja. jedem das seine :LOL:

  10. 'Ich steh auf Frauen (ich schwöre)' ist ziemlich genial. Fledermausmann, ich bin Adolf, verpisst euch.


    das album ist nur so vollgepackt mit FETTEN TUNES

  11. haste schon das kiz mixtape angehört? verflucht gutes zeugs

  12. You should go see Russian Circles/Chelsea Wolfe tonight. c:

  13. Aw shit I forgot to reply again.



    Sorry man, I'm terrible at this.


    Well yes-ish I guess.

    Oh you totally should! And if you stop in Switzerland you could crash at my place for a few days and I'll show you around Zürich and Lucerne. c:

  14. ohhhh late reply sorry!

    :cool: indeed.


    Err it does, but there's literally nothing of interest on it yet! Like; it's literally empty. :LOL: I'll get back to you once we've recorded our first demo. c:

  15. Dude, you wouldn't believe. We went up there and literally improvised half of the set and the crowd loved it! Hell, we even got a mosh pit going. :LOL:


    The meet is just something we all wanted to do for ages! Taylor and Stephen are done with high school now so they both plan their senior trips to London and I got the trip offered as present for my 18th birthday. :awesome: We'll just hang out and do touristy things and it'll be nice.


    Ah sounds fantastic! I absolutely want to visit Sweden and Iceland at some point, lovely countries.

  16. Aw I just realized I didn't see the message you sent me by the end of '12. :( Sorry, man.


    Great, man! Life is phenomenal. Played the first gig with my band (it went fantastically) and booked two other ones for August, I'll meet up with Stephen and Taylor and a few others in London in July etc etc. Good shit happening.

    Also; I failed the term but that's okay if I do a decent job in my finals which is why I'm studying hard and I'm hella busy as of late.


    You? c:

  17. Yeah I know! :happy: Zürich has been building its own cute little music scene over the course of the past few years and my band is actually a part of it? I mean it's all still very tiny but I'd like to think the city may be one of those 'big places' in terms of culture in around seven years. Or maybe I'm just super optimistic.

    Aww. Have fun at the gigs! I'm not really into Muse anymore but they still seem like a super live band. Bigger concerts are kind of a big no for my limited budget. I'm a poor prep kid, y'know. QOTSA are coming to an arena in Basel but train tickets alone would cost 50 quid. Switzerland is just very expensive...


    Man, talking to me must be kind of odd to you, I mean you got to know me as some silly angsty kid in his early teens and now I'm an ADULT and shit. People on this forum were actually able to notice me changing as I grew up. odd odd odd :facepalm::LOL:


    Yeah, I've kind of given up.

  18. Kind of a mixed bag! I'm fantastic if you regard my life outside of school. My social circle has been growing, met some really nice people lately. On top of that, my band will play a local festival and a seperate gig in around a month so that should be nice aswell.

    I failed the semester, though. :LOL::facepalm: This is the first time, so I don't have to repeat or anything but it still sucks because there's a bit of pressure on me now. I just need to get a grip and study hard for finals and I'll be fine.

    Summer starts mid-July for us down here.

  19. Hey there! How have you been? c:

  20. ahhh verflucht ich vergass dir zurückzuschreiben. Verzeihung!


    Nah ich weiss nicht. Hab' letzten Donnerstag mit der einen Musiklehrerin meiner Kantonsschule gesprochen und sie sagte mir, in die ZHdK (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste) zu kommen muss man schon verflucht gut sein. Mir mangelt es an allen Ecken; ich hab' ja erst vor ca. zwei Jahren wirklich angefangen meine Instrumente regelmässig zu üben, während andere es schon seit ca acht Jahren so tun... Daher fehlen mir auch diverse Theoriekenntnisse usw, welche ich nun mal nur unter enormen Druck innert zwei Jahren nacharbeiten könnte.


    Protest the Hero hab ich noch nie gehört! Überhaupt, in letzter Zeit ziehe ich mir fast keine Musik aus Prog-Post-Gefielden mehr rein. Dafür kommt jetzt Hip-Hop regelmässiger zum Zug. Und Klassik.

  21. Aww, kiddo. Not a lot of party happening here, due to my birthday being shortly before finals :c

  22. Hmhm. Für mich ist das Lesen selbst kein Problem. Zum Problem wird es erst wenn ich Essays schreiben muss, weil das Wiedergeben von anderem Wissen nicht wirklich Freude bereitet? k.a.

    Ein Musikstudium wäre ja eigentlich das erstrebenswerteste, aber ich trau mir nicht zu durch das Anfangsexamen zu kommen...


    Aww du verpasst nicht viel. Ihre Musik ist sinnlose Technikwixxerei.

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