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Posts posted by Meggytron

  1. No doubt due to the fact that my mate and I were talking about Chris owning a large collection of stuffed toys, I had a dream of Chris buying stuffed toys. It was great, we were both in Tescos and he had this stuffed pink unicorn in his hand. I walked up to him and was like 'aww, is that for your daughter, I'm going to buy one for my neice.' He turned to face me and was like 'No! my daughter won't appreciate the beauty of this toy. It's for me. I'm going to call her *random name, don't remember what he said it was called* and I'll cherish her forever'. At this point my dream was interrrupted with my phone going off. *Matt saying 'floccinaucinihilipilification, it's a long word' :$*


    One of my weirder dreams anyway...

  2. ha, my first muse dream was that they came to my school and spoke french...



    my recent one involved Me+my mate on stage with Muse. Dom was singing, Matt was telling the crowd he was going to strip. Then Chris started playing that circus tune on the bass and started chasing us all round the piano.


    I woke up Lol'ing so much.:LOL:

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