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Everything posted by Meggytron

  1. ooo i just remembered about this! mmm no.

  2. ah. well its not that bad, i go between being obssessed with Queen to not being.

  3. oh yes!


    why am i greedy?

  4. hey! thats not nice, how am i greedy?


    (llong time muse forumn)

  5. i would like, but i'm not greedy.

  6. don't think so... but 3 months without it. he and his wife are gonna be at it for a while a christmas.

  7. maybe. chris on tour for 3 months....

  8. he doesn't look it. but he's a different type of eyecandy.

  9. No doubt due to the fact that my mate and I were talking about Chris owning a large collection of stuffed toys, I had a dream of Chris buying stuffed toys. It was great, we were both in Tescos and he had this stuffed pink unicorn in his hand. I walked up to him and was like 'aww, is that for your daughter, I'm going to buy one for my neice.' He turned to face me and was like 'No! my daughter won't appreciate the beauty of this toy. It's for me. I'm going to call her *random name, don't remember what he said it was called* and I'll cherish her forever'. At this point my dream was interrrupted with my phone going off. *Matt saying 'floccinaucinihilipilification, it's a long word' * One of my weirder dreams anyway...
  10. oh I know, apart from in the sftw cover, he looks like really old!

  11. supposeif he don't look it. Dom for instance.

  12. oh good point.

    but I'd have to say 35 is my limit >.>

  13. not answering that ;)

    hot. they'd have to be like a really young teacher, just out of teacher collage.

  14. they'll have a show called 'the stripperz'on tv by this time next year >.>

    Aileen, just letting you know, if I walked in on you having sex with a teacher, I'd still report it xD

  15. holy hell. that wasn't reported to anyone? O:

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