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Everything posted by Doos

  1. Haha nice! Once I got through the Ticketmaster site it was really easy, it just took a few very stressful minutes. I even managed to buy some extra tickets Wednesday afternoon, so it wasn't even sold out yet.
  2. I agree, the Arena is a venue for sports, not music. I hope they will do a few Ziggo Dome gigs too. Or something smaller...
  3. I saw Muse during the BH&R tour, Resistance tour, The 2nd Law tour, Drones tour and Simulation Theory tour. The Drones tour was by far the best tour in my opinion. BH&R was good because it was smaller and more focussed on the music. I think they kind of went overboard with the show aspect during The 2nd Law and Simulation Theory, but they nailed it with the Drones tour, that was perfect mix of show and music. I may be biased though because Drones is one of my favourite albums 😁.
  4. De tickets voor het Malieveld zijn ook binnen! Was even stressen met de code die niet werkte en daarna de site die niet werkte ("oeps, er ging iets mis"), maar uiteindelijk is het gelukt!
  5. It was less easy for The Hague, my code didn't work the first few times, then I could select tickets, but couldn't continue because there was a problem with the site... that lasted about 10 minutes, then I got through and now have tickets!!
  6. Am I the only one who is slightly disappointed in this tour? I was expecting more shows, in better venues. During the Drones tour they did 3 shows in the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam, now they are doing 1 in a field in The Hague... I'm not a fan of field shows, I'm getting old, I like to "sit the fuck down" occasionally. (I hope everyone here understood that reference.) Also, does anyone know what the price ranges will be? I'm expecting something in the 70-90 Euros region, but inflation is going mad in other places, so it might be more than that (which I would still pay because it's Muse (even though it's a field show) but it would be ridiculous).
  7. Thanks, I'll try that next time! So frustrating when you know the song but can't choose it...
  8. That's awesome! I only found it a few weeks ago, love it! But it didn't work with some of the B-Sides a few days ago, one of the songs was Twin, but it wasn't an option in the menu. Did you have that problem too?
  9. I just realised what the yayaya bit reminds me of: Randy Marsh/Lorde (South Park) 😂 Still love this song though.
  10. This looks like an unsafe website, but my computer still lives: https://muse-heardle.glitch.me/ How well do you REALLY know Muse... In case you don't know the Wordle format: the goal is to guess the song as quickly as possible (as few tries as possible), there's one song per day, a new song to guess every day. This one is for Muse songs only, and I mean all the songs, including preludes and intro's.
  11. Jaaa ik ook, ofja, vriendin is het gelukt op dinsdag om 5 uur 's middags! Ik had het de hele dag geprobeerd, ik was er 's ochtends een paar keer bijna doorheen, maar helaas. En toen lukte het haar opeens, zoveel geluk gehad! Wij hebben Rang 2 tickets, ik vind het eigenlijk niet erg om zitplaatsen te hebben, sowieso goed zicht op het podium en je kan zitten. Ik ben geen 20 meer, dus prima 😂. Nu nog hopen dat het door kan gaan, ik wil niet te pessimistisch zijn, maar het is eind oktober, en die vervloekte coronamaatregelen...
  12. Thanks for posting that interview! Very accurate description of Matt as 'rock’s most prescient oracle of apocalypse' 😂. 'Piano ballad-turned-Queen rocker ‘Liberation’', sounds like United States of Eurasia.
  13. Hah nice! The Origin of Muse boxset is one of the best things Muse has ever released.
  14. I would keep trying for the Amsterdam and Paris shows if I were you. My friend managed to get tickets for Amsterdam 7 hours after the pre-sale started on Tuesday, even though the site had been telling me it was sold out for hours. If you keep refreshing, you might get lucky. There will be someone who ordered tickets but could not pay for them, or something else went wrong, and they will be back up for sale.
  15. Friend of mine managed to get 3 tickets at 17:10 today! I tried this morning, I managed to select tickets twice, but they were gone before I could click Continue. I kept refreshing throughout the day, but 'no tickets available'. I thought we had failed, but then my friend refreshed the site 'out of habit', and there were tickets! OMG!!!
  16. Je zou die code via mail moeten ontvangen, ik had em wel op tijd, maar had het album ook al in mei gekocht (voordat deze tour werd aangekondigd). De code in de members area is een andere code, die is voor de Amerikaanse pre-sale geloof ik.
  17. Die prijzen zijn best schandalig... maar het is Muse, dus ik wil toch gaan. Maar hoe?? Ik zit al klaar met pre-sale code, maar waar gaan die tickets in de verkoop? Ik hoop niet op de site van Mojo, want die ligt er (nu al) uit.
  18. Dat je het waagde om niet voor dit zitplaatsen te gaan! Ik was bang dat ik anders helemaal niets zou hebben... maar zo druk leek het inderdaad niet, totaal geen wachtrij ofzo. Maar wat een stress! Elke keer als er een concert is.... ik word hier te oud voor haha.
  19. Ik zou zweren dat ik zitplaatsen had, ik had ze gechecked en ze waren wel goed, dus ik heb de bestelling afgerond, staat er staanplaatsen op de tickets! Wtf! Edit: je kon er trouwens maar 4 tegelijk bestellen, dus maar goed dat we allemaal een code hadden.
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