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Status Updates posted by boomeraangsquad

  1. Hey Chris. How are you man? Long time no talk. :)

  2. No worries man!


    And yeah that would be great! I have already started saving money so maybe I could do it a couple of summers from now. I'm an awful spender though so we'll see how this goes. :LOL:

  3. Wow man, that sounds really cool!!


    And that sounds like it'll be fun. :) Is it kind of like of an official YMT meet?


    Yeah, Sweden was nice. I spent a lot of time in Norway and it's a very beautiful country. I would love to go back to Europe sometime, maybe when I'm older and have more money haha

  4. It's all good! I completely forgot about that anyway haha


    That's awesome bro! I'm so jealous that you're in a band. What's the meet up for?


    Life's been pretty good as well. Just got back a few days ago from a 4 week vacation to Europe with my grandparents. :) We visited all the Scandinavian countries (except Finland) and it was a blast. Other than that, things have been pretty relaxed. Just enjoying my summer vacation.

  5. Hey man. Long time no talk! How have you been?

  6. hey Chris how've you been? :)

  7. Did you end up seeing GYBE??

  8. pretty well you?

  9. Not bad, not bad. Just started my junior year this last week. It's not horrible but it's definitely seems more stressful, just based on the first week. My sophomore and freshman seem like a joke in comparison haha but hopefully it won't be too bad.


    How about you?

  10. No, luckily that's over, but we're right next to California and two states west of Texas, so quite a few bands will play a lot of shows in Cali, skip over us (and New Mexico), and then play a lot of shows in Texas. Population-wise, they are the two largest states in the United States so it sort of makes sense that bands play so many shows there, but it still sucks.


    Although, there are also quite a few bands that come to Phoenix, but that's about a 2 and a half hour drive from where I am (Tucson).

  11. I'm very jealous (especially for Amplifier). You lucky bastard haha I have a total of 0 bands on my upcoming concert list. :( I'm used to it though, nobody seems to like Arizona. :LOL: They play like 5 shows in Cali and then just skip over us


    That sounds like a blast though. 6 great bands in a year? Sooo awesome.

  12. At least you're almost done. I'm sad because I only have a few more weeks of break left. It went by really fast. :/


    That sounds fun. I really want to get back into the piano. I can play a few songs (not very well) and that's about it.

  13. Hey man! how's everything going? Are you on summer break yet?

  14. Wow that's kind of a disappointment. :( I don't know if they are going to continue it, but if they do maybe the series will improve.

  15. Idk yet. I guess I could say I'm a math/science kind of guy but I haven't taken physics or calculus yet which might change my mind. I hate english and I'm not a history person so definitely not those.


    I enjoy music but I also want a job with high pay. :p Maybe something that combines music and math, like an audio engineer.

  16. What are you planning on studying? I'm like 2 years away from when I have to decide but I still have no idea what to study in college. I mean, I don't really know what subjects I'm good at, you know what I mean?


    Mmm that is good. I really want to branch out music-wise over the summer which I haven't really been doing for the past year.

  17. Yeah practicing really sucks haha. I feel like I could be really good but I'm just way too lazy.


    Oh damn that's still a month and a half away. But yeah, I know what you mean, there's times where I'm doing really bad in school and I just wish I had the motivation to do something about it.


    I just heard about 3 minutes of that. And wow it's gooood, spacey as hell, but still awesome.

  18. haha I hate that feeling. I've experienced that with guitar a lot where people are just so much better than me. I really should practice more but i'm too lazy.


    I'm doing well. Just finished school two days ago and I did better on my final exams this year than I have in previous years which is always good. I'm just glad summer is here! How about you?

  19. Same here! I hate that they never covered that in the original series.


    That sounds pretty good. I'll definitely check out some songs by both.


    Aha yeah I can do the New Born intro but even then, I still mess up frequently. I used to take lessons and I kinda regret not taking them seriously and picking it up after, because I was actually pretty good.

  20. yeah, not much. just upcoming stress for end of the year exams.

    there are lots of shows I want to go to but i'm poor as fuck haha.

    track season is about to end so i'll be a lot less busy which is good and hopefully I can visit here more.


    you have no idea how excited I am for Korra! ever since the series ended I've been waiting for this, the withdrawal is finally coming to an end!


    no, I haven't. what are they like?


    I should get into piano again. I know how to play simple songs that everyone knows how to play but that's about it. :LOL:

  21. Did you see Amplifier when they last came? If so, how was it?

  22. haha It was amazing man! Best concert ever. It was so loud and awesome and they sounded really really good live. Also, they played Pushit which is my favorite Tool song. (: I loved when they played the heavy riffs because I felt it through my body, it was just so fucking sweet fdglkfdghjhgdkjfghfgh :D


    All in all, just a fantastic concert. I'd see them again in a heartbeat.

  23. I agree with King Of Limbs. Iit's definitely the first album I pick when I feel like listening to them.


    In all fairness, I'd feel like I'd feel the same as you if I had exams in January. :LOL: That would stress me out so much


    Yeah I actually just heard about the comics and I'll definitely read them. Does it fill in the gap between The Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra?


    Yeah The White Stripes are definitely overrated. And I loooove Sublime ever since I saw them live, I just really got (or have been getting) into them for some reason


    No, but I'll check them out. :)

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