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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. *hugz tightly* :happy::kiss:


    that;s very good. i've been good too! :D i went to a creek called Alligator Creek yesterday and i was doing frontflips off the rocks into the water :cool:. was very fun.:awesome:


    hahahah that's so good, i'm very jealous. though GUESS WHAT??!?!?!Hjsjaguidfy7&^&*Adyedfnh :pope: i actually might be going to a Wembley gig this year!:eek: or one in Belgium or Paris!:D it all depends on if my mum's bf gets a job here in australia. but yeah, i was like "yeah i would prefer to go to Wembley, probably...:yesey:" mum: "why?" "have you seen HAARP??:eek:" hahaha she understood. :p so hopefully i will, hey!:D


    ooooooh, which songs did they play, and were you seated or standing?:D i'm very excited for you :p



  2. sick aye. Powderfinger, Muse, DLC, Birds Of Tokyo, Karnivool, The Killers, the Butterfly Effect, Wolfmother... :yesey: i agree with all them haha.

    grrrr i was so pissed, Karnivool played at groovin the moo, the first one in '08 and i wasn't effing allowed to go. i mean KARNIVOOL!


    yeah i like a LOT of music. haha Tool, the Mars Volta, NIN, RATM, Vampire Weekend, Cog, Silversun Pickups, Grinspoon, Radiohead, ummmm, i can't even think right now eh. but heaps and heaps haha.

    what's been going on?:happy:

  3. that's good aye. :happy:

    ahhhh BHAR ftw:awesome: i was listening to it in the shower today, actually.:cool: very good album.


    i'm very good thank you, went to a creek called Alligator Creek today, was very nice. :D


    haha that's cool, you have horses:awesome:

    i went to bed anyway, was 6am :chuckle:

  4. cool nice to meet you, Ryan.:happy:

    my name's Amethyst and i'm from Australia. :cool: you?

  5. hiya!:D that's quite alright. :happy:

    how are you?

  6. POSTED!


    because that post is so original. :cool::pimp:

  7. shit man, you're a genius!:pope:



  8. naww thank you very much. haha it tends to get a lot of attention. :p


    hmmm, what should i first post in teh ymt? gotta start off good. (Y):cool:

  9. lol i'm scared now.:ninja: lol i might post in there, aye. you guys seem :cool:.


    sick aye, nice to meet you, Stephen. :D my name's Amethyst. :)

  10. haha why thank you. :D

    :awesome: nowai! haha, seems like a happening place. you sure no one would tear me to pieces?:awesome:



    lol btw what'd your name? :p

  11. ohmygod! i haven't talked to you in sooooooo long...:supersad::'(


    how have you been, dearest?!:D

    how was the Muse gig?:musesign:

  12. 336 posts over, to be exact. :cool::\mm/: hardcore banterers outside of banter, we are!

  13. sickkkkk. woah. that is pretty cool. haha, i feel honoured to talk to someone of that level of coolness.:pope:


    me? oh, i just hang out in Aussie Media Watch, making banter, and possibly getting a record of gettin like 360 posts over 10 000 before Popey locked it. and in our luff boat :p

  14. oh, i'm very sure it would be!:eyebrows: hahahah.


    aw dang, 'tis a crying shame! :'( where do you mostly hang out on here :p

  15. hahaha oh same. believe me. :p my sig tells the truth (it has a link to an Aussie luff boat and it says "we make everything dirty:eyebrows:"

    which is true. a lot of which i am guilty for. :chuckle:


    :eyebrows: situations ftw

  16. lol sounds HOT!:eyebrows::chuckle:


    well you' never guess, but a couple of hours ago, i was on youtube and i saw a clip called "Muse - Matt meets Meerkat", so i was all ""eek: NOWAI!:awesome::awesome:" an then after a bit, i checked the name again andsaw it was actually called "Muse - Matt meets Metallica"... :chuckle::facepalm:

    that was semi random. guess that's what you get when you're 14 and stay up til like 5am+ every night/morning/whatever! :p

  17. you're right, you're right!:pope: give me your theory on what this deep and meaningful username could mean...:awesome:


    do i detect a hint of sarcasm, here?:pope:

  18. 'sall good!

    hey now! my username is very cryptic and subtle, okay?!:phu:


  19. hahaha really? lol i felt like a right idiot when i finally worked it out. i'm all "ahhhhh, it's so simple now!" :p

    nice username then, lol keeps people on their toes. ;)

  20. hello there. i thought i would share this with you.

    i just worked out your musername.:awesome: i used to always think it was like "future-ella-rama" or something stupid like that! :LOL:

    i've now figured out it says "future llama"!:D


    ..... i hope. :ninja: lol the end.

  21. :eek: i'm so very jealous! shit man.

    :pope: bastard! haha, wait so are you at school? i'm still on holidays. i guess cos it's summer here :p

    i heard about the snow in england. :) lucky buggers!

  22. haha i have! ;) i will reply soon. and probably a few times since you iz gone now :fear:


    :chuckle: have a nice time while i die...:facepalm: hahahaa

  23. :eek: TREASURE HUNT?! awesome!:D (is being serious :p)

    haha i know, i have so much chocolate in my fridge right now actually. :p yummehz

    yeah i know, he's pretty cool. i think he really wants me to see Muse!:happy::\mm/: and he wants to go to this Rock Werchter thing in Belgium to see Pearl Jam. and Muse are headlining on one of the days, so if i don't go to Wembley or the Paris gig, i'll prolly go to that. :happy::musesign:

    hahhahha yeah i know! :D that thing is so awesome, i luff it.

    yeah a white/english christmas would be soooooo good!:awesome: funny how they all say how good a summer xmas would be :p and think it's weird and not christmas-like at all to not have snow :p

    :eek: really?! that's really awesome. i've never been in snow. i've seen it once on a holiday to melbourne, just the peak of a mountain. we were gonna go up, but we ended up not :supersad:


    :eek: reallllllllly? cool where from? hahaha well obviously! (; lol


    hellz yeah. yeah i knw whatcha mean. jesus, Muse sure know how to make an album, eh!

  24. ehhh fellow townsvillian :\mm/:

    what's up? just saw that you liked Dead Letter Circus, too!:D that's awesome. :happy:


    which other bands do you like?:)

  25. i've never seen snow... :pope:


    well, i've seen from a distance at Melbourne some snow on a mountain peak. we were gonna go up, but we didn't/:supersad:

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