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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. That's great! I'm very good too :happy: have been watching movies all day. it's 1:22am now and I'm bored.:stunned:

    Haha no i won't/didn't. Well sort of. :p Us Aussie Musers sort of went off cos we were like ":wtf: they were noobs once, too!:phu:" haha but we're over it. :p

    I've always thought that Meaghan wasn't very welcoming...?:erm: Well not to me anyway, maybe I'm just paranoid lol. Haha lots of noobs lately, eh? :LOL: haha i've been here nearly a year, I'm not too nooby anymore. :p 'swhy I wanna go to banter lol

  2. hey Stephen. :happy:

    how are you?


    i ended up posting in ymt (as you saw) and i also saw Meaghan and Sean having a go at "Main Musers" posting.

    :LOL::facepalm: Sammy "stuck up" for me. told me not to take it personally. haha it was pretty funny. but still :wtf:. lol

  3. orly? well they got a very nice shot of them both!:awesom e:

    oh okay.:e rm: :eek: that would have been bloody annoying!:indiff: haha poor thing ;p


    hahahha yeah man, i can imagine! well i found it funny.:chuc kle: hahahha, but it's sortsa true, so you can fully just be all "yep. get over me, i "lei"d Matt Bellamy!:phu::cool::pimp:"



    nawwwwwwh:awes ome: you're very pretty, dear.:happy:

    but i am very sorry to tell you, Matt takes the cake in this photo!:eek: OHMYGOD! THAT IS THE FACE OF SEX!:eek::pope: those blue eyes, the sexy hair, kissable lips, cute nose........... MMHAWT!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:

    have you posted this in the PMT? haha i really think this photos's VERY hot!


    nawwwh, were their too many fans to have a pwoper convo, or did he have to go?:erm: oh wellz, at least you got to MEET AND TOUCH HIM!:eyebrows:

    lol i'm very jealous, if you can't tell already haha

  4. yeah, i'm 14.:happy: yeah, well i sort of am haha, though i have a few tall friends, so i feel sorta short sometimes.:$ haha, i think i'm prolly average/a bit above average height? lol idk. :chuckle::p

    haha yeah? :p lol well i guess, yeah, we're meant to be laid back n all that haha. i am, prolly lawl. but you've been awesome too, one of the coolest Americans EFAHH!:awesome::yesey::cool:


    awwwh.:supersad: dank. haha, yeah i think it's best you go to sleep now, eh ;) lol, even though i stay up til like 6-7am like every night/morning/whatever. :p haha what is it with Musers and never sleeping?:chuckle:

    and i hope to hear from you soon, too!:awesome:


    you too, byeeeeeee, goodnight. :kiss: x

  5. nawww fanks.:supersad: *givez supermassive big hugs back*

    yeah, but it's the BDO. when they are finally headlining it!:eek: yeah i can't wait for their pwoper tour, aye! :D though i might be going to see them at Wembley.:awesome: finger crossed

    ooh awesome. yeah The Decemberists are really recommended, i hear.:erm::awesome: i'd be hanging to see Muse, The Mars Volta and Karnivool as my main bands. and then after that would be pretty much the fulll ineup. SUCH a good-uhn this year... :'(

  6. oh. right. haha i wasn't reading that right!:chuckle::facepalm:

    :eek: OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD! That is fooking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pope::pope::awesome: he looks very happy with it. and i really like that photo, it's hot, did you take it?:awesome:


    oh my god! hahhaha, that's classic!:chuckle:


    :LOL: if my sig was not completely full, i'd have to sig that!:chuckle: one day i will when i change my sig again. ;) hahahha



  7. oh okay, haha i thought you were my age-ish, and i was thinking, 5ft 4 isn't very short for my age:chuckle:

    yeah haha, i feel sorry for you for people always implying you're one of the stupid ones!:supersad:

    haha well that's fair enough:D well Australians are good to talk to, if you're wondering.:awesome:

  8. yeah man, haha it's like tradition!:happy: hahaha, are you serious that you don't know what it is, or do you just not know the rules? :erm::chuckle:

    haha yeah it's very good.:yesey: i love it, very nice. haha

    OHMYGOD! holy shit! that's seriously crazy. nawwwh, the summer doesn't sound too bad, 30 degrees is still nice! ;D nawww? it's sorta windy here atm, that's only cos there's been a storm though, 'twas so cool! ;D


    oh, but of course i will! ;D

    haha yep, would be the best life ever, aye!:awesome:

    hahaha, oh my god! you're a genius! hahah that's so true!:awesome: well then, me and my friend are planning to move to Europe (probably London or something) when we're older, so we'll live there, then we can go to the Wembley gigs!:awesome: ahh, that is very smart! then we can go have a drink with Muse in the pub (cos we'd be 18!) ;D nice workkkk hahaha


    :pope: well then, she definitely sounds like a bloody Twatlighter!:indiff: but at least she was in the seated area, not taking up precious moshing space.... where she probably wouldn't mosh anyway:indiff:


    oh okay.:eek: that's so weird that we didn't!:erm:

    nawww, that's a pretty name!:awesome: seriously.:yesey: my name is Amethyst:awesome:

  9. that's alright.:happy: naww thank you, back! :D Haha yeah it's not a very common name. :chuckle:


    lol with your "lei"??:wtf: what on earth is that? :LOL:

    well i would do anything and everything to Matt...:eyebrows:

  10. ooh nice!:D you must be pretty excited, which bands are you hanging out to see (obviously Muse hahah).

    no.:'(:'(:'( boohissboo, i can't go cos the c-nts changed the age limit, i'll be less than 3 months off 15, but they changed the age limit this year. plus my mum is being stupid.

    i even edited my ID so i would look 15 at the GC BDO time, but nooooooo. FML!:'(:fear:

  11. hahah yeah, that. :p 'tis pretty annoying:chuckle: wait, how old are you? :wtf:

    haha i don't like a lot of Americans, but some of them are very nice. i feel sorry for the good/intelligent ones that are made to look bad by the annoying morons!:chuckle:


    :LOL::LOL: hahaha. :p

  12. hey fellow aussie! :D that's alright, aye. so which bdo are you going to?:awesome:

  13. hiya :kiss: haha yeah, woo awesome. Liberty is a pretty name, btw:happy:


    yeah i know!:D haha shit would be so cash! hopefully it works out for both of us and we'll meet up if we can......... then go to Muse's dressing room and steal them.:ninja::eyebrows:

  14. Hahaha yes, well I was/am furious that I couldn't/can't go!:supersad::mad: Ahhh but of course, I'm sure they would be absolutely horrified by you and your sick moves!:fear: Hahaha, well i'm gonna have to convert that to cm/m... haha that's like 1m 64cm. i just measured myself, that's what i am! :LOL: well 62 - 64cm, idk :p


    yeah man!:\mm/: hahahha, yeah but still. :p nah i would prolly forget everyone cos MUSE WOULD BE THERE!:eek:

  15. hey man. haha, no that's fine. :p My name's Amethyst.:happy: You're.... Liberty?:awesome: haha

    yeah same! woooo, good luck to you!:D and if we both go, we might even see each other there, what with me and my Aussie flag and all. :chuckle:

  16. haha yeah, well. it had to be done!:p:chuckle: i'll only be less that 3 months off 15 anyway, like they would care!:phu: yeah, well she loves Muse too, but I'm "too young" and all this shit. grrrr

    Yeah i know, plus i'd be really embarrassed if people saw me singing/dancing (:stunned::ninja:) along haha. so yes, jumping in the mosh would be AMAZING!:awesome:

  17. Hahaha, oi man, i actually changed my school ID to make it look like i was 15. it had written on it 14/04/1995, so i just scratched the 4 (the month 4) to a 1. so then it would say 14/01/1995, and the BDO i wanna go to is on the 17 january, so i would be 15 and a few days. haha if that makes sense :p my mum's kinda opposed to me going though GRRR!

    yeah, i would definitely prefer standing too, i would find the seated ones very... idk, awkward?:erm: like, you wouldn't be sitting, but it wouldn't be that same feel it has to dancing around in the mosh, i reckon. though i'd still wanna be able to see them.:yesey:

  18. groovin's facebook status: "GTM will be announcing nationally on WED 3 FEB 2010 - watch this space in coming weeks for updates and information about where to hear the announcement and buy tickets!!!"

    whewwww, hopefully there's some Karnivool and other good bands in there! :D

  19. :cool:


    YES!:'( it used to be that if you were under 15, you could go, only with a parent/guardian. But it's been changed this year to strictly no under 15s, and I'll be less than 3 months off 15... :'( And my mum's being gay about it.

    Yeah BDO is like the biggest festival here. The best.

    Haha yeah, I will definitely go, cos it won't be for a few years till they headline again. Haha nawww,:supersad:. And I would do the same for you:D Haha yeah I know, it's ridiculous that I haven't seen them yet.

    Oh okay, you should try go to both. ;):yesey: Hopefully you can afford it! ;) Haha, cos that would be awesome to go to both Wembley gigs. Where are you standing/"sitting" for the 11th?

  20. yeah man!:yesey: so did The Presets, and good bands. ahh i went last year, saw hilltop goods front row, so epic aye! :D

    well i'm hoping for Karnivool again. they released an album last year, so it'd be good.

    yeah man definitely go. would bet tops if Muse came, but that's no where near likely!:chuckle::'(

  21. awwwh :supersad: damn.

    :eek: oh my god, are you serious? haha so are you excited for all that snow or do you not want too much? :p:chuckle:

    hahaha yeah, it might take a while. there is snow is Australia, I think mainly only in winter though, and definitely not where i live:chuckle:

    yep. the heat sure is lovely.:happy: i luff it, i'm not too good with the cold, and i've grown up in the heat. 'tis great!

  22. Ohai, well I am very honoured to be your first Aussie mate! ;):cool:

    That good to hearrr. Haha grr I really wanna see them, I haven't seen them yet. :'( I've been to young for shows and that, and I can't go to BDO cos the pricks changed the age limit THIS YEAR! of all the years!:'(

    So it's possible.:yesey: I really hope I do, if not, I'll prolly be going to a Belgian or French gig :happy:


  23. and g'day from Australia! :D

    I'm very thank you, and how are you? :happy:

  24. yep!:D:yesey: it's awesome. hahaha yeah lol i really can't imagine a white christmas! :chuckle: i see it all the time in american movies and that, but it would be weird if it snowed on xmas! hahaha, and if it snowed we wouldn't be able to play backyard cricket, which we do, like, every year!:pope: haha.

    hahahah well that's a good point!:chuckle: very smart! haha or you could just move to where i live. i get summer the whole year except basically two weeks of winter. and the coldest it gets is about 10 degrees celsius, but that's at night :LOL:


    i really hope i go too! =D then i could show you awesome pictures:yesey: would be so good:musesign:

    hahaha yeah i think that's a smart idea, lol. orrrrrr, we could just become Muse's groupies and they'd let us into all the gigs for free! ;D


    oh okay, that's good then, haha it would be weird to just sit in your chair and watch lol. haha well that's good then, that you could see the screen pwoper! haha

    orly? well i don't mind a bit of Muse mouth-p0rn! :eyebrows: haha but i can imagine. like, people who couldn't see the stage would have to look at the screen and it'd just be of Muse's face's/mouth's all the time...:erm: silly!

    oh. twatlight:chuckle::facepalm: hahahhaha, "cows don't scream" lol thanks for that :p grrrr if she was a twatlighter. did she only like Supermassive, or did she know other songs?



    i know! it's so annoying! btw, i forget, do we know each other's names?:$ i have a bad memory hahahha ;p

  25. ;D


    i do i do i do indeed have summer right now. ;D it's very good. no, it's summer here. cos us Aussie's don't have white christmas', we have summer ones, hot ones.:cool: 'tis good! SAME summer for the win!

    haha yes it's so much fun. love it


    :LOL: yeahhhhh!:happy: i really really hope that i do go to it! if we find out that mum's' bf didn't get the job, i'll go straight to mum saying "yeah the tickets might sell out soon so we'll have to get them now or else we might not get them!:pope:"

    ahhh yess! you know what, i shall go to the biggest Muse gig with you when we are both 18. :awesome: haha.


    nawwww, that's not too good, did you end up standing though, or did you stay seated?:erm: ahhh that's very good, so could you see Muse very well from where you were or did you have to look at teh screen?:erm:

    hahahah she sounds pretty crazy! :chuckle: well it shows that she was VERY excited to see them then, aye! LOL hahahahh "sang like a rat"???!!!R?Fhdsjhdf9 lol how is that possible?? :p

    ohmygodddddddd:D that sounds like a really awesome setlist, even with all the missing songs:chuckle: hahaha

    nawww DOM!:supersad: that's so cute. haha i love it how they learn the languages of the places. well, they learn basic stuff! ;p at the Aussie shows, they'll have to learn how to speak Australian!:pope: "g'day mates, how's it goin? hope you's are all havin a bloody great time, aye!":LOL:


    hahahaha, did you know that the reason i use so many smilies (and always have to edit them out:facepalm:) is because of you? hahha, i didn't really use them much when i first started here, then i talked to you, and you used a lot, and i just got it from you! hahahhah awesome lol

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