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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. LOL the thread Matt made is mental!

    Ahahaa, the things people think of! Effing classic! :LOL:

  2. Riveon - *sigh* we know! :facepalm:

    Worth the shot, though! I don't think I have actually posted here before. So I'm going to now cos I can actually be bother right now. All I need to say is:


    Wait, no we already know you're coming, you just have to confirm!:LOL:

    BDO announcements on 29 September, I really wanna go to a pwoper gig tour as well as BDO!:awesome:

    Meh, I'm going to stop now. This is never gonna be read by Matt obviously! Ahahhaa :chuckle:. Ah well.


    Cheers, Amethyst x

  3. :eek:They must be!:ninja: I SECOND THAT!!!!:fear::shifty::eek:

    Oh, is that what it's called?!! Ooh, how embarrassing for me!:$:unsure: Who would name a song after big holes... :stunned:

    OMB! I know! It is totally awesome, not as good as Twilight though, I must say!



    Fight me!:chuckle:


    Aww, that's quite okay! I've been very busy with The Resistance too! (That might sound weird...?:wtf: Ahahaha)

    It's pure epic, innit!

    Yays!:dance: You're obsessing again!:kiss:

    I *still* haven't replied to megalong post! :O *sigh* One day, bbz, one day...



  4. Gotta go to school - will reply later!:):musesign:

  5. :awesome:YAYS!!!!!!!

    Thanks, bbz!:kiss:

    I thanked you on Twitter too!:D Haha, I doubt I'll win. Well, I know I won't - but at least I'm trying!:D

    Cheers. :musesign:

  6. Bahaah, that! Haha:LOL:.

    I was talking about Redemption and that's what came into mind to describe it...:erm::wtf::facepalm:



    But it srsly does make me "weep" like that. ROFL.:p:musesign:

  7. Really? I may have heard that somewhere... Or may not have, I dunno?!!:p

    Haha, do you have a link to it?

    ABBA aren't too bad!:yesey: Very catchy museic! Haha, they're not my fave band (obviously) but they can be okay!:chuckle:


    BUT, MUSE FTW!!!!!!:musesign:

  8. Yup - just created one then!:happy:

  9. Ooft, I cry at Exogenesis: Symphony Part III - Redemption every. Single. Time!:$


    It's just sooooooo beautiful!:musesign:

  10. I'm great!:D

    Really? Which songs are you not a fan of?:erm:

    I actually love them all! Haha, some took a tiny bit of getting used to, but otherwise - it's fan-fucking-tastic!:awesome::chuckle:

  11. :eek:ZOMB!!!!!!!!!!!! BBZ!:awesome: HAVEN'T TALKED TO YOU IN ALMOST A MONTH!

    I must've forgotten to reply!:eek::facepalm:

    How are you?:happy::kiss:

    Have you heard The Resistance? *dies*



  12. :eek:YOUR PHOTO!!!!!!!:eek:

    The Muse one, where it's Dom, Matt, Chris, leaning on each other! Where do I find this/make it bigger? Domnomnom!:eyebrows::eyebrows::musesign:

  13. Yeah! They do!:yesey: Wait, it's either called The Resistance or The Uprising...:erm:

    :LOL:Bahaaha ROFL at teh MySpace fail!:facepalm:


    Hmm, I've only heard of them recently when they were in Twilight with that song Super Big Hole!:awesome: And apparently two of them are gay and the fans like it how they're gay - so weird!:erm:





  14. My box set arrives on Monday-Wednesday.:)

  15. :eek:SAMMEHHHHHH! Bbz!:kiss::kiss::kiss:

    Hun, so sorry! I've been so busy with all this shit. Have you heard, Muse have just released a new album called The Resistance! I only just found out!:awesome: ...*is not being serious*

    Anyway, sowwy bbz! I shall get around to it very soon!


    *:eyebrows:Aww, Sammeh bbz, I was thinking about you last night too...:eek: ...:eyebrows:;)*



  16. Ooh, cwap! I'll reply to the other post first! Haha, Sammeh sent me this supermassive post a while back and got me behind all my visitor messages!:facepalm::LOL:



  17. That's great to hear, then!:D

    YES! OMB! I was literally crying cos I couldn't go!:$:unsure: And it was apparently really, really good (obviously, it is Muse!:LOL:)

    Yeahhhhhh! 4 DAYS TILL I HEAR IT IN FULL ON THE RADIO! 5 DAYS TILL I CAN BUY THE RESISTANCE IN STORE! AND 7 DAYS TILL I GET MY BOX SET!!!!!! Plus there's a Muse special on TV here on some museic show (it generally plays shit museic, but they're gonna have a Muse live in concert thing, and have an exclusive interview - one from Lake Como - and yeah all this stuff! Can't wait! Better be grand!) So yes! This is gonna be the best weekend eveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr!:dance::musesign::musesign::musesign:

  18. Ohai! I'm grand, thanks!:D

    How about yourself? Gargh, I really wanna be in Tinmuff right now!:supersad::'( BLOODY HELLLLLLL! Hmmmm... Instead, I'm at home listening to the 30sec previews... Umm, again! :D:LOL:

    Simply cannot believe it's 6 days till fucking THE RESISTANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:musesign::dance::musesign::musesign::musesign:

    AND 8 DAYS TILL I GET MY BOX SET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

  19. :DINORITE!:p:dance:


    Ah, but don't you need Photobucket or sommat? Me no has PB (or PIB! Eh, eh? Amiright, amiright?:p)


    Fankoo though!:musesign:


    Luffz choo more, bbz!:kiss:

    Okay!:) But I won't take too long! I don't like to leave teh Sammehs waiting!:eyebrows:;)



  20. Aww, I knows, bbz!:p Haha, just being an idiot, I still luffz choo!:kiss:

    Woop, I'm still at no. 5! Now to win...:shifty::ninja:


    Haha, check this out Sammeh!:happy: Umm, I'll just copy and paste how I explained it somewhere else before:

    PHOTO LINK! (I don't know how to post pics! Hahaha, megafail!:facepalm:)



    I'd just like to show you the things I do for Muse!:musesign:

    Haha, it didn't really go all smoothly, and when I was tryiing to get the letter back to normal, my phone started playing out loud - INVINCIBLE!:musesign: Haha, so everyone started coughing for me until I got it stopped (this happened to be going down during Religion)! And then my bitch friend took out all these letter and rearranged the keyboard even more, and then my phone started playing Invincible again! It somehow got into the museic player on my phone. And yes, then my teacher came up while I was trying to get the keys back into place - and I was shaking cos I didn't want my phone taken off me, and so I shoved the letters into the wrong place and chucked some in there all loose and just sprinted out teh classroom!:LOL::facepalm:


    All worth it for teh Moose though, eh??:musesign:



    I shall do teh supermassive post one time soon eh?:D:kiss::eyebrows:

  21. Oh woops! Sorry I didn't reply - that's not like me!:noey:

    I'll reply now!:D:

    That's quite okay!

    Ah thanks! Haha, umm well not really, my family (brothers and sisters mainly) called me Thyst, and some people call me Ammo, but it's generally just Amethyst!:p Haha.

    Yesssssssss! UPRISING IS FULL OF MEGAWIN! SO'S UNITED STATES OF EURASIA, INNIT?!!!!?!?:dance::musesign:

    ZOMB! Can't believe it's only 12 days until THE RESISTANCE!:eek::awesome::musesign:

    Only like 5 hours away from it only being 11 days! Wow, this is so exciting! Have you heard the 30 sec previews?


    And I'm great thanks, just got my ballet exam results back today! Haha, yourself?xx

  22. I has not replied cos you said Meaghan was deserving of teh Resistance comp... Like I'm not?!?!?!:indiff::phu::unsure:


    Naww, I luffz choo Sammeh even though you luff teh Meaghan more...:noey:



    Nawwm nup I still luffz choo lots!:eyebrows:

  23. Bahaha, awwkay!:happy:

    Haha, that's alright, LOL I elaborate so much and every post I do is generally supermassive! My last one to you is my record though, bbz!:kiss:

    Take (a bow:yesey:) your time, Sammeh, I can wait!

    BAI! xxxxxx:kiss::eyebrows:

  24. I'll be here, "bbz"...:eyebrows:;) I'll wait for you cos you're teh best!:happy::eyebrows:



  25. OHAI!:kiss:

    Woops, LOL sorry I didn't post again! I got this supermassive post and it sorta set me off course with my replying to everyone!:facepalm::rolleyes:

    My Resistance is going awwwright... I'm at no. 10 at the moment... I've been bouncing around from no. 9 and 10 fora while... I'll get to no. 1 soon!:happy::chuckle:

    Oh really... Naww you could win! Haha, wait now I'm gonna win!:p


    Why yesh I have... But there are always rumours that end up not turning true, and I don't wanna get my hopes up!:LOL: But it would be sooooo fecking awesome!


    Will do!:D




    Naww, I like the hot weather... I'm a bit of a pussy when it comes to cold weather!:p Haha well I've lived up here all my life, seewwwwwwwww!:LOL:

    You might get sick of it, dunno, it's pretty constant unlike Melburbs and all that! Haha, so you'd get used to it!


    Yeah, 'parently there was like asupermassive storm or sommat...?:supersad: Your house all good?:erm: LOL!

    Yeah I've been to Melbourne a few time actually! I was there at the start of the year. Well, we were in Melbourne for like a total of an hour, maybe? Haha, we were just driving, too! Erm, we went to Victoria to visit some family for the weekend. And yes!:D But Melbs is pree awes!


    LOL, well Twitter is awesome - when you get used to it! Haha!


    So's the weather any better now, then? Haha.:p



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