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Everything posted by Animus

  1. thank you very much Setty for your wisdom, and now i lay on this bed waiting...

    byebye Setty!!!

  2. i know!!! wat time is it where you are???

  3. im fine now though... no more tears...

  4. that's very nice!!! i do the same thing too... sometimes... i might go on youtube to chose a different song

  5. that, my friend is true... and now i ask of thee if we may stop talking in such language and riddle and continue our dicussion normally?

  6. do you hang around your profile waiting for me to reply???

  7. i know now for sur that i will never in another relationship look at another. i am guilty for the actions in my fading past...

  8. wow that was the bet ive ever done!!!

  9. before i set this tale in stone imust confess i did such a crime as in looking at an other. for i knew even befor this that the one who was with me was no longer the one i once sensed in the begining. i saw another one more rich than the filth i now look apon...

  10. hey i found these cool lyrics that kinda fit the moment...

    Playground schoolbell rings, again

    Rainclouds come to play, again

    Has no one told you she's not breathing ?

    Hello, I'm your mind, giving you someone to talk to...Hello...

    If I smile and don't believe

    Soon I know I'll wake from this dream

    Don't try to fix me

    I'm not broken

    Hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide...

    *Don't cry...*

    Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping

    Hello, I'm still here, all that's left

    Of yesterday

  11. *sniffs* thanks and nice choice of words there setty!!! i posted another things on your boat!!!

    *holding a weak smile, trembling* LIKE REALLY idk why but im shaking...

  12. our world is growing old

    the galaxies are nothing but dust

    our blooming sun is buring out

    this is my conclusion

  13. no but wait!!!! i thought he was REALLY into me and he goes and cheats and he said he only went out with me was because he was doing a bet!!! i wrote him poems too!!! he said that they were discusting!!! i was abused in one relationship, physically and now mentally!!!! sniffs


    i had to get that out...

  14. SHIT!!! the tears!!! ummmmmmm, i just found out what my boyfriend thought about me!!! well hes my ex NOW...

  15. im sorry...

  16. i need to listen to map of the problematique, or better hyper music!!!! :'(

  17. wow!!! you have nice friends who don't fuckin LIE TOO THEIR GIRLFRIEND!!!!

    OMFG!!! noooooooo, im crying shit!!!! what the fuck!!!! hold on!!!

  18. soooo MR DUDE, how r u

  19. hi low!!! how are you???

  20. do i have to put something better up there??? i would...

  21. ohhhh, i left a message... i don't know if i did the right thing though... forgive me!!!

  22. its alright... thanks... oh the music, i don't have a piano next to me at the moment now sorry! when i get home ill write it down... wait i can't i don't know the bass clef!!!


    wat is a loveboat???

  23. HELLO!!! we haven't spoken in a while...

  24. a Loveboat??? wat is that???

    sorry im KINDA a new Muser

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