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Everything posted by Muse_Fan21

  1. It might. Oh who am I kidding :kiss:

    Um...did I just do that :$


  2. :LOL: much. I knew he wouldn't forget:happy:

    Hey what time is it again. I left my watch on the plane :eek:

  3. Oh wow your not that far from Teignmouthm, are you going to the Den concert?

    I live in QLD (the sunshine coast)

    It was a hot day for winter yesterday :erm: right now its about 6:30am and when it should be freezing, its nice and cool.

  4. Well hoping its not a one off. We want England to win the Ashes again and again :D

  5. :LOL: fail

    Shh...tbh I don't like to drink :erm:

    But this is for a one off special occasion ;)

    So where abouts in England are you from?

  6. No? well. um. Its just that. Ok fine he wanting directions, and I told him where to go. :facepalm: Happy nothing happened:shifty:

    And he might have :phu:

  7. You saw Broard? Did he say anything about last night:eyebrows:


  8. unlucky? I would say that was very lucky, more for us :awesome:

  9. I wish no it was Matt showing off like he always does ;)

    Would like to learn though

    Hey Dom, Chris

    And Hello champagne. Musefan28 told me you found a place Broard missed :awesome:

  10. very excited about the champagne. did Dudette tell you that I couldn't get any, cause Broard bought it all :D

  11. Yeah I'm still here. Was just talking to one of my American muser friends :D she knows nothing of the Ashes:noey:

    Please don't be nervous about me. I'm nice. No really;)

  12. :LOL: yes I'll keep checking

    Out side its that really nice dark blue. Give it about half an hour and the sun will be coming up:happy: no sleep for me tonight. Hey my sister just called me out and it is full on foggy outside :eek: I've never seen fog like this be4. Its so beautiful.

    Fingers crossed you wont have to call on Tuesday :)

    Hey I have a couple of English muser online right now and I'm celebrating winning the Ashes :D so deffo no sleep hehe

  13. Oh and to the friend request. Its about time, I thought you'd never ask;)

  14. Oh yes very much so :D

    It was a great ending to Freedies ashes career :yesey:

    But I have to say, poor Ricky getting hit in the mouth and then in the ass. Did you see it? I was like:facepalm: to the mouth shot and then :chuckle: to the ass one:noey:

  15. Okay. Obviously I'll know when you get back, cause we'll be letting you in :yesey:

  16. Good, promise you will love it:cool:. Hey you and Dudette live close to each other?

  17. Wait. Hold on. Yes, he says there is bucks fizz. Score!!

    Cool, cause thats about how long it'll take for me to arrive

  18. it is :awesome:

    I have everything of muse on download ;)

    you really really need to get it. ASAP :fear:

  19. Oh no the guy at the bottle show says Stuart Broad bought all the champagne :eek:

    Well I guess he deserves it

    What would you like instead?

  20. My fave always changes. Right now I'm loving Hullabaloo :happy:

  21. I'll get some anyway. You can never have too much champagne :eyebrows:

    And I'll also get some red wine, I hear Matt's getting ready to sing :chuckle:

  22. Dudette has already put on the first album. not my fave but i went with a more up beat one, BH&R :D

    Its good for celebrating. Mostly:dance: :party::dance::party::dance::party:

  23. um... lets go with BH&R first. its more up beat ;)

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