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Posts posted by Furygirl

  1. Ditto. Haaaate jewel cases. I didn't realize there was any way to even get Drones not in a digipak.


    Buy a new one and sell the digipak in eBay or give to a friend?

  2. Listened to Drones in the car with my parents (who are both in their fifties).


    My mom showed some interest in the concept of the album and seemed impressed by the guitar playing in the ending of Reapers and the solo of Defector. They talked through the entirety of Mercy and The Handler and fell silent around Revolt.


    Interestingly, after 5 seconds into Aftermath, my Dad went: "Damn, this is beautiful. Sounds a little like Dire Straits." :D When it ended, my mom remarked "Wow that was amazing, they haven't really made a song in this style before have they?" and my Dad was singing their praises. "At least someone's making real music again"


    The Globalist was also well-received.

    Dad: Is that real whistling? :LOL:

    Me: Yeah, the intro's based on a Morricone piece.

    Mom: So that's Bellamy doing the whistling?

    Me: I'm pretty sure it is.

    Mom: He really can do everything, can't he?


    Around two minutes -

    Dad: That's it, I'm getting myself a copy of this album. :LOL:

    Mom: This is a relaxing listen.

    Dad: I know right? The guitar tone is very Zen, it reminds me a little of dolphin calls. :stunned:


    When the heavy section began -

    Mom: Whoa, guitar battle. So what's happening now in the story?

    Me: Eh... the protagonist has become a dictator, and he's nuking everybody. This is the countdown.


    We got home with still 4 minutes to go in The Globalist, so Mom told Dad to not turn off the engine because she really wanted to hear the rest :D


    that was fun to read. :happy:

  3. Okay, that was exactly my face when I first heared the chorus. Then I thought, wow, it's somewhat catchy- So, here we are, I now like this song :LOL::LOL:


    Pretty much. :mad:

  4. Finally giving the album a solid listen all the way through right now. Got it in the mail today! This song is a beast! I like it so much more than any of the other songs on the album. So at least I know they're capable of greatness.

  5. I feel like I'm being brainwashed. Fuck you, this song sucks! No wait, it's fun! During the chorus I can't get the dancing and singing musical number out of my head. It's quite funny.

  6. Has anyone mentioned this sounding like Amplifier?


    I haven't seen anyone mention it. I'm not sure I hear it, but maybe subconsciously that's why I like this song!

  7. I get so depressed listening to TG. It's a fantastic song. I don't mind the ending as well. It's a chill ending. But the heavy part. It should have been longer. No excuses. It should have been longer and everytime I listen to it and it ends I just fall into a depressed state and don't want to listen to anything anymore


    Pull yourself together, man! There's a whole world of music out there!


    The end is like the grand finale of a middle school musical about world peace. Yawning parents are ready to go home but they have to sit through six more minutes of this crap and pretend to be proud.


    This is the best thing I've read today. :LOL:

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