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Posts posted by Furygirl

  1. Hi there,


    I was lucky enough to being able to get tickets for one of the Muse concerts in The Netherlands. I've also received my code to get an album. Because the quality of physical albums is better than getting mp3's I'd like to get a physical version of it. However there's one problem. I don't have any of the payment options listed available to me. I don't wanna buy a creditcard just to get this album in physical form.


    Does anyone here have a suggestion (I'm Dutch and I usually use iDeal to pay for stuff online). I'd pay at delivery if I could but thats not an option either.




    Is there a Paypal option? I can't remember from when I ordered mine. You can link that to a bank account.

  2. The lyrics in these songs are so literal and impersonal it's hard for people to become emotionally invested in the songs. I like it when lyrics are open to interpretation, allowing people to find their own meaning in them, and that personal connection makes the songs mean more to the listener.

  3. I like this song, and overall Matt's voice is amazing in it. But there are a couple of places where he sings high and it's a bit screechy, and I think it would've sounded better if he'd maintained that sort of pure, boy choir tone.

  4. I don't think I've ever completely changed my opinion about so many songs on an album, or the album as a whole for that matter. My opinion generally doesn't waver *too* much from when I first hear a song. But I'm finding a couple of the songs I thought were the strongest at first are now my least favorite, and vice versa. I wasn't completely sold on Reapers from the beginning but liked it ok and thought I'd like it more as I got to know it. But actually Reapers and Psycho both are just annoying. Get on with it! Ugh. I just get frustrated listening to both of them and want them to hurry up and finish. (huh huh, that's what she said.)


    And I despised Revolt and Dead Inside at first, but now I think I actually like them. :wtf: Mercy I just thought was uninspired, and maybe it is, but it's catchy as fuck. Maybe the catchy songs aren't great songwriting, but I still enjoy them for what they are. But I still think Revolt sounds ridiculous being so festive and happy. Sounds more like the celebratory "fuck yeah we killed the government/drones/bad guys" song.


    Faves are Defector and The Handler which I loved from the get go. I don't think I'll ever like Aftermath. Globalist is pretty good and Drones is weird but good.


    Edit: I know the lyrics are pants, but I'm trying to ignore that fact.

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