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Status Updates posted by parakiszer

  1. Heyy. Thanks for the friend request. Cheers! :)

  2. I'm good. Lol, i'm gonna off now coz I'm very sleepy. Talk later. Take care :happy:

  3. I've been online since 5 hours ago and no school tomorrow. Btw, do you have myspace page?

  4. Hi.everything's fine. how are you?

  5. Hi Anna :)

    How are you?

  6. awesome. so what's your favorite thread in this board?

  7. Hi Anna!! :happy:

    OMG..I get very excited when I knew its you who adding me here. Thanks for adding me. :kiss:

  8. haha. hey, i was madly in love with dr chase. :happy:

  9. Hi Sam. :) sorry for the late reply. thanks for informing me about this otherwise I won't even realize about the vote.:chuckle:

  10. Hi there. How are you? I just wanna say i love your avatar :LOL:

  11. LOL. do you have a picture of the wall?

    *i think i wanna write 'muse.mu'/muse messageboard on any public wall/stations.* :musesign::musesign:

  12. I just put it today because I saw yours. I took the pic about 3 months ago but always forgot to put it here. :p

    We are really addicted to Muse until we remember them when we are on vacation. :happy:

  13. what time is it now at your place?

    I just came back from tuition centre and had lunch with a friend.


    I can't wait for The Resistance to be released. Do you know whether the releasing date will be the same for every country?

  14. Hi there. Im all good here. How are you?

    Im here often too but I didn't post much. I'm not creative enough..:)

    So which thread do you like most?

  15. Lucky you :happy:

    Muse made a concert here in Kuala Lumpur 2 years ago, but I did not manage to go because I was having examination.

    But I'm sure I won't let go the chance to meet them if they are in town again.

  16. I'm from Malaysia.

    You live in England..have you been to any Muse gigs?

  17. Hi there. I'm just not feeling well due to hot weather. lol.

    I'm Daia. So where are you from?

  18. Yeah. If the rest of the album is going to sound like USoE,I think it doesn't feel like Muse anymore. Emm. I guess Matt's voice is changing as he gets older. :)


    I going now. Got to cook for the family. Talk later. Cheers! ;)

  19. ahh. I have replied my visitor message on my on profile twice.and delete it again. looks silly.

    back to topic.

    I have worries of how the album is going to be and having thoughts that I'm not gonna love it.

    But let's just look on the bright side. We've heard one song doesn't mean the rest are not gonna be good. :)

  20. I don't know because Muse is full of surprise. I think i hear it after the first chorus. Something like from the song We will rock you. don't you think so?

    And the ending of the song is quite funny for me. Never thought Muse will produce such music.

  21. hi there.

    I've been quite busy these few days with my cousin's wedding and school stuff.

    and I just got back from school and CAN'T WAIT to hear the complete USoE.

    I'm so excited! :happy:


    erm. i hear some clapping sound in USoE. do you hear it? or its just me

  22. Yes indeed. I'm trying to keep up. But you know the time zone is not the same as my place and I can't stay up during weekdays coz got to go to school the next day.

    I love Matt's new style of singing..like:awesome: and very different.

    Can't wait for the next part. :happy:

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