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Everything posted by Blaz

  1. Hearing the climax after the countdown live gave me chills and goosebumps.
  2. Hype, hype, HYPE, I wasn't feeling it before by I'm going full hype now!
  3. Damn, where is a good place to park? Is Bart parking free?
  4. Hey!


    I was wondering if you had any extra seats in your car. If you'd do, let me know!

  5. Forgot about the Griffith, that'd be perfect. . . But. . .Day or Night?
  6. What about at the Getty Museum overlooking the city(should be behind us in the video). There are quite a few places in it that make for great picture/video taking; For example: http://photos.igougo.com/images/p135584-Los_Angeles-The_Getty_Center.jpg http://www.spencerslimo.com/GETTY%20GARDEN%201.jpg http://brst440.commons.yale.edu/wp-content/uploads/getty_center_garden.jpg http://www.camoto.com/web3/images/getty%20museum%202.JPG etc.
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