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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I'll try it. The 2nd Law: Unsustainable MK Ultra SMBH Hysteria Map of the Problematique Liquid State Citizen Erased Monty Jam United States of Eurasia Sunburn New Born Butterflies & Hurricanes Isolated System Exo pt. 1 Stockholm Syndrome Survival This is tough.
  2. These gigs confirm nothing.
  3. I've been liking this more over time. Inverse to Psycho (but it does look great live). Really want to get some official confirmed lyrics and will hate having to wait until June.
  4. That last paragraph has so much edge you could probably apply graph theory to it.
  5. Every new song we hear will involve half the posters liking it, and the other half not. And each half will spend their time trying to show how the other half is wrong using evidence that's actually opinions. This will go on until June.
  6. I honestly don't have much of a problem with the "crosshair on my heart" line. Not the most shining moment of Bellamy's lyricism but I'm not cringing or anything.
  7. How would Paranoid Android change your opinion of those songs?
  8. Chorus is (kinda) growing on me, but still what I consider the weakest part. I remember reading a somewhat similar negative reaction following the SMBH release. Doesn't feel like much of a closer though. Also still not really getting the AC/DC comparison.
  9. I wouldn't even really call it a length issue. It was a decent length with most of it being the transition part. Just some parts felt messy. I wouldn't complain about Darkshines' length and that's like half the song.
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