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Everything posted by kueller

  1. With an arena or stadium show though. I rank Abso Tour lower than most really just cause it was a cut up existing broadcast that wasn't even filmed very well.
  2. Well we don't really know what the proper Drones tour will be but I'm also optimistic. Something like Manchester for TR and Stade de France for T2L would've translated very well. In the end Rome seemed to only accomplish showing the weaker sides of both tours, but it was a bigger shame since the latter tour was a lot better received and had a lot more potential for a good live release. This is true but it wasn't as embarrassing.
  3. I still liked it, but definitely their weakest release so far. Hopefully they actually do a release this tour so they don't have to double up again.
  4. There was also just a lot of hype for these concerts. It's not like it was random last week, they've been hinting at it for a while and practically confirmed it with treating Zepp as a preview, so a lot of people were getting ready for something like that. It's not like long traveling is beyond some fans, but it's hard for anyone with such a short notice. I still hold this can all be fine if they just bring the songs over to the regular tour. I can live with not seeing them in a small venue. I see plenty of bands in small venues.
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