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Everything posted by kueller

  1. The persona he takes on kinda goes insane by the end after the desparation verse ("Don't leave me", etc). "Becoming" the other person and such. Things get pretty dark towards the end which is surely to tie it in to the following song. So I guess literally for the story, hyperbole/metaphor for the relationship aspect.
  2. Been looking up some covers on YouTube and I like how the lack of a really distinct lead part has resulted in a wider variety of interpretations. More interesting than Psycho which gave a ton of note-by-note guitar covers.
  3. I really feel like it'll end up being Animals like, in being cleaner on the album. At least based on what we heard from the album so far. The live performances have a kind of messiness to them that brings the urgent feeling out more. But I assume the chorus and solo will benefit from studio work.
  4. Don't really like the line but I kinda like how the last chorus flips around the first. It's been used a lot, nothing new, but was a nice change from the other kind of cheesy love songs of the past two albums that doubles as a transition into the more darker themes.
  5. The lyric videos really aren't helping with the lyrical content. The quality (lack-of) of the lyrics just feels a lot more in your face when it's literally in your face. I can imagine my reaction to Survival would've been even worse if I saw giant text saying I'LL LIGHT THE FUSE, AND I'LL NEVER LOSE. But live I didn't really give any fucks. Even NSC got pretty well received live despite the similar lyrical complaints. I assume it's the same effect. So far Dead Inside is probably my least favorite of what I've heard. On more listens my opinion has remained the same, whereas Psycho went up a bit and Reapers went up a lot. But I do like the melody, and it looks decent live. It'll probably be paired with Map wherever that shows up.
  6. I feel like it does have the foundations of a climax and attempts it maybe in a similar way that Madness does but the contrast just isn't there enough to deliver it.
  7. The bass is pretty punchy as is so it's kinda the same effect but it would be cool to see someone try it. Also this song is fun to play.
  8. Finding it more like UD than Madness, mainly cause of the drum/bass rhythm. Although besides being a pop song it's rather different in general.
  9. So far my prediction the entire album build up would be people arguing opinions as facts over each other is true. It's weird considering this is musically less varied than T2L so far and not very structurally different yet there seems to be more divisiveness in fan reactions. I wasn't getting many feels personally maybe that's why.
  10. Despite liking the song this really does feel like a poor opener. Sounds more like it would be their typical poppy second song.
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