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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Drones is hinting more at some sort of instrumental. Matt said The Globalist was this giant track that kinda has a story of its own. Considering it follows "The Aftermath" which seems like a fitting end to the album's story this could be a final overview type song.
  2. This will end up being a 40 second field recording of drones flying overhead.
  3. Barely listening to any radio I have no good perception of what the popular songs were at the time but from what I have heard just from sheer popularity I thought things were a bit more upbeat.
  4. This is sort of why these aspects aren't objective. Objectively, it is a simple and common chord progression, but whether people like it or not depends on how said progression is used in context. And the criteria of that is of course very vague and subjective.
  5. I actually thought the verses were a bit different but hearing the Exeter one the tabbed version seems the most accurate. I guess I'll just add that the last A string fret in the bridge riff sounds like a 5 instead of 0. And just for the beef the chorus is all on the D string.
  6. But that doesn't explain entirely other cultures having musical cliches that can similarly be found as cacophonous and dissonant to us. And that the average production of a song on the radio, widely accepted today, would similarly be intolerable 100 years ago.
  7. Thing with dissonance or wrong chords is it implies the current standard of theory is somehow objectively correct or at all universal. I agree with this. Also people replying "no" to unpopular opinions. Destroys all potential discussion.
  8. They've never been about basics in larger venues. It's just how many of these songs will they fit in with the theatrics. They're more than capable of doing it.
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