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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I get the feeling this is album we'll see live a lot more than T2L.
  2. Well if we're going by live standards Globalist is unlikely to have a mid-song guitar swap. But then again thinking of how split up the song seems to be it might.
  3. The Hysteria to CE change they did in the Resistance Tour occasionally I thought was pretty smooth even if it wasn't a note to note change. I wouldn't say Hyper Music to Hysteria is the greatest to go right away into but just saying a little noise and a few seconds of guitar switching tends to work pretty well.
  4. Radiohead thing was started by a few people and I guess the fanaticism of the time (not helped by Thom kinda agreeing with it all) just boosted it. The comparisons kinda dropped after The Resistance when everyone started comparing them, more fairly, to Queen. It was such a strange and annoying thing though. I remember a good chunk of the Radiohead fanbase always being so snobbish at Muse (and Coldplay too I guess) for being Radiohead ripoffs. For people trying to present themselves as having superior musical knowledge they sure missed out on most of the indie scene taking just as much and sometimes more influence.
  5. The pre-release reviews are cool cause we start to form ideas of the songs without the clips. I remember not expecting much out of Isolated System until the descriptions started coming in.
  6. The making-of videos don't seem to be any different from the ones from The Resistance or The 2nd Law. I've never seen the other ones from prior albums in full. They're not really short but I would like to maybe see a more linear documentary style making-of. I love it when movies and such have that.
  7. I like the song integration thing like Collateral Damage. Maybe not exactly in the way Muse did it but just the idea of it. Mixing new things with existing things, like the 2001 soundtrack.
  8. Psycho is pretty official. Yeah I know it's not an official single but the production is higher than a typical lyric video. But Dead Inside does seem more plain. No hints at anything similar to a full video yet though.
  9. I feel like they'd probably be announced in the tracklisting. It could still fit in somehow but 10 minutes is pretty short as far as prog rock behemoths go.
  10. Most obvious structure will be that slower string/slide opening, then the riff coming in with the countdown.
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