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Everything posted by kueller

  1. It's not Guiding Light levels of dislike, but it is the first song so far (even the previewed ones) that I've felt initially negative about. I probably won't mind it but it's just one to pass off it seems. I like Starlight actually but this didn't do it.
  2. Guess I meant comparisons rather than general descriptions. Really sounds like a standard anthemic song. Maybe leaning a bit on the BH&R cheesy side (that's where the Glorious comparisons came from I guess). Who said it wasn't pop?
  3. This is probably the most guitar centric collection of songs we've heard from them in ages. This place hasn't been that bad but I've seen around the internet everyone hearing a synthesizer and going "OH WELL I GUESS IT"S ANOTHER T2L". And yeah Dead Inside is pretty sparse. It's just the style they're playing.
  4. Live could mean parts. There was a lot of backing track usage on the last few albums, or effects to mimic parts they couldn't replicate fully. So far we haven't seen anything major in that field except the opening to The Globalist. I can't say I have one way to enjoy a show either. It depends on the group, and how any extras are pulled off. Sticking to one preferential way feels limiting. The band already did good last tour at pulling out songs at random despite their large productions
  5. If we're talking solely visual quality I'd rather have the 4k.
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