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Everything posted by kueller

  1. The best they ever did in the US and Canada was in the times when they advertised the hell out of themselves with little shame about association, which they've shown hints of regret about. It doesn't explain their major lack of promotion but it could say why with good singles they still don't get much attendance in that area.
  2. The Mayan recording will be aired over the summer so this is the first we're getting regardless.
  3. tl;dr incoming on originality. Criticizing their use of old material is still really a stretch to jump right to unoriginality. Bumped my own post back there that using old work is nothing new for this band, or any band. And after all, if they have a good jam going why do they need to make something new just for the sake of it. For all we know the "original" parts of the album could've been older, but just not showcased regularly. Does that make a difference? It wouldn't be the first time they've done that. But also if they were to release an album of all note by note covers as a studio release, disregarding the legal aspects for a second, I doubt that would be accepted. There's a line somehwere. I'm not gonna try to find that line here. But I think a lot of the fighting over this topic comes from that ambiguity. No one is on either extreme of the originality argument, everyone lies in the middle somewhere. I do feel some uninspiration in these songs personally. I'd say a lot of it is just lack of song variety, especially in Psycho. There's some other aspects I've probably explained more in other posts. But these aren't really about the ideas they use but rather how they use them. Similar to Supremacy. For Mercy, I see it kinda like Starlight, as peolpe have said. But a bass driven twinkly pop song is nothing inventive in Starlight. It's not a direct copy. Their RatM styled drop D riffs tend to get more praise. From me as well. Think of how much more well received Animals was to Big Freeze. They were both more derivative than Mercy I'd say. Similar to above, there's other aspects. The style they pick, the instrumentation, and what bands or older influences they take. I think looking at how they're getting their little riffs and melodies and judging the entire creativity of the album might have truth but is really over-simplifying.
  4. Their most well received albums were largely made up of material they had already written prior but just didn't play as often, if at all. But let's just keep saying this is completely different.
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