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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Supposedly one take but the making of never hinted at that.
  2. I think it helps that we've heard the separate pieces in small chunks. Supremacy only had the hint of the riff.
  3. Oh wait that was Prisoner of Azkaban.
  4. Gonna send this to a movie studio as a pitch.
  5. Haven't really been that hyped for the album for just general moving on and finding a lot of other music. It's been nice to just chill and wait for the release. So I agree, just relax. Listening to something else in the meantime.
  6. The Globalist has been getting some good nods. I feel like the heavy part will just by a small fraction of the song, but I'm still rather interested as I have a shamless thing for the overblown epic tale type songs, and the only other legitimate attempt I can think of from the band is Exogenesis.
  7. Score inflation shouldn't also apply to reviews, where 5 is the average, and everything circles around that. The wording says more, and implies something a bit more negative. Album is sounding like it'll be what I was expecting really. But I guess I'm ok with that.
  8. Reapers is AC/DC-ish but not the bland ripoff we were fearing. It's kinda Queen with that rising guitar line, and that one snippet of harmonies. More like Queen's more straightforward rock numbers than the more theatrical singles.
  9. Still kinda interested in Defector. Maybe not the colors thing but from what we've heard of it I can see it fitting well with Matt just going all "Don't tell me what to do". Fits the whole more major key setting.
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