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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Abandoning the possibility they'll go back to the slightly less theatrical styles of the early albums I'd be interested to see them truly go all out with the massive scale pieces like Exogenesis or what The Globalist is turning out to be. Something like the prog monstrosity BH&R was originally becoming before they introduced the pop element.
  2. The main chunk of the song is definitely a lot colder than the live version. The argument was brought up about dynamic range but people were really used to the live setting which had little range, and just kept intensity start to finish (the difference is apparent in the verses). The ending however has to be one of the most direct recordings they've done. No difference performance-wise from any of the live versions we've seen except the distorted vocals. That's pretty cool, as they've never really done that. It was an attitude I always wished The 2nd Law was recorded with.
  3. If the whole Muse thing doesn't work out Dom and Chris can form one of those duo bands that's all the rage these days.
  4. I'd only really count the predominant ones. Darkshines and Screenager have a lot of piano but the guitar is clearly the main instrument. Citizen Erased might be a middle case since its piano portion is a good chunk of the song. The Globalist would fit the same. But like New Born, it's not a majority.
  5. Oh I should mention if it leaks I'll listen to whatever that is in first.
  6. CD because I didn't order the vinyl so it kinda narrows things down.
  7. They're saving the main Japanese date until they're comfortable playing Hullabaloo full.
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