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Status Updates posted by Cosmo57

  1. I log onto Muse board and I don't know quite why, I often just lurk instead of making replies

    Hark, a note up there under my name, who could that be, bloody hell it's James!

    How are you old bean? I hope you are well, and not currently stuck in some personal hell

    I'm not great at rhyming, or syllables and timing, so my ability to continue is surely declining

    violets are blue



    But yeah, haven't heard the new Drills album so much yet. Kind of drifted away from Phil and co, might give it a listen. Good to hear from you, feel free to message any time either here or on FB :)

  2. Yeeeeees :awesome:


    Love Strats, love Dr. Philgood, glad they're back :happy:

  3. trollface.jpg


    EthanDOT is bloody hot,

    he plays a sexy Strat and he don't smoke pot

    he's gotta drink lots of tea to ensure he don't rot,

    I gotta stop rapping before I lose the plot

    etc etc :p

  4. Ouch D: I hope that too :p

  5. ah well, if you need them you need them. I'm sure they'll look lovely :p x

  6. Yes they aaare, there are a couple girls I know with braces, and every time they smile I'm just like eeeeeeee :happy: Each to their own though :LOL:

  7. The point is so you can, uh, eat stuff :LOL:


    And braces are so cute :awesome:

  8. I just ignore it. If they laugh at someone like that, they're obviously dicks so I don't dignify their actions by letting it get to me (which was probably the intention - don't feed the trolls! XD)


    And yeah, I had a tooth taken out like last year. It was HORRIBLE. I was sat there, my mouth wide open, and she was jerking my head side to side with pliers and I could feel the roots breaking, urrrrgh :supersad: Glad I had it done though, the tooth had died so there was a big infectious lump in the gum. The bad part is, it could have easily been fixable, but the end of the bloody dentist's tiny little tool broke off right down inside the tooth. And she quoted £600 to put right something she'd done. I was like, no thanks, just take the fucker out :chuckle:

  9. You don't sound like that at all, honey. I've had people wrongly tell me that I was just a stupid emo without any real problems, and it hurt, so I believe you 100%. As for liking internet friends more than real ones, I completely understand. For all the time before I started this course, I had barely any real life friends and only internet ones. So I can see where you're coming from with that.


    Reminding myself of those less fortunate doesn't help me because the way I see it, all problems are relative. If something affects you, it affects you, so there's no shame in being upset about anything :kiss:

  10. I figured you'd know :chuckle:


    But yeah, it's absolutely brilliant. I'd say my favourite track is Live On The Moon :awesome:

  11. It's the opposite for me, sitting at the computer all day is pretty much all I've done for the last decade or so and it's so boring. And I love pretty much everyone in my class, so I miss them ;~;


    Today was just shit. Tried to find the Yellowcard album I wanted in the record store, didn't have it. Walked to college, had a cup of tea from a vending machine that was so hot I couldn't touch it for about fifteen minutes. Then maths, which was shitty because it was so frustrating because I'm so crap at it. Then I walked around town, bored off my arse, and I thought about how much I was missing all my friends, so that made me depressed and I just felt like just curling up and crying. And as a cherry on the cake, I've always had this thing where if I get sad, I start thinking about all my other problems too so everything just culminated into a massive ball of depressing-ness :supersad:


    Sorry for rant, it's just been a monumentally shit day D: x

  12. I hate holidays :LOL: Seriously, there's nothing over the weekend and we've got monday off as well. I love going to college so much, so it's so boring when I'm not there :LOL:

  13. :LOL:


    So, what's been happening with you :p

  14. Hehe yeah. I'm going to talk to my tutor and try and see if I can be switched into another group, because it's honestly shit. Yeah, I'll just have to see how it goes I guess :p

  15. Oh no no no, don't feel stupid, I didn't realise either :LOL: that's why I said :p


    Yeah, I'm sure I got something in me, might be cooking up a band soon (outside the shitty one I was assigned to as part of the course, haha)


    And not a problem x :happy:

  16. Actually, it turned out that we just had to bring in a CD and play the song... no actual guitar playing involved :LOL: It was still alright though :)


    And I'm far from musically talented :chuckle:


    And HAPPY BIRTHDAAY :kiss::happy:

  17. Yeah, it wasn't bad, I met a couple old friends on the bus and it turns out we take the same bus home every day now, so that's :awesome:


    And tomorrow we each have to play our favourite song to everyone. At first I chose Stockholm Syndrome to blow everyone's tits off, but then decided to keep it simple with Exo Politics (which is my favourite anyway) since it'll be my first ever performance in front of people. We're also playing Seven Nation Army as an ensemble on Thursday :awesome:


    So yeah, going well :happy:

  18. Aww :supersad: Silly you :chuckle:


    Yees, college was epic :awesome:

  19. Nothing much has been happening. At all. Thankfully that ends tomorrow - finally off to college, feels great. I'm doing music and maths :awesome:


    How about you? :happy: x

  20. It's a good song :chuckle: Addictive chorus is addictive


    I don't really know, all I know is it smashed when it fell off a tower :p


    And yeah, he smacked the DL1 into Dom's drumkit at both Leeds and Reading :LOL: If I were Hugh, I'd be pretty pissed, then again I bet he charges for repairs :p I'd never throw my Strat, I worked all of last summer for it and she's my pride and joy :happy:

  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKWbMJOIkUk




    I'd say the Glitterati's my favourite, the original one. Ironic that it met its end by falling off the stage, judging by how Maffoo treated it prior :p Glitterati, Ali Top and M1D1 are my favourites, I'd say. At one point I was thinking of building replicas of all three of these :chuckle:

  22. Yeah, above the steps, that's it. Tim and I had a good natter afterwards, and when the topic turned to that JT-Res he said it wasn't the one used in the video :( I like to think Matt kept all those old guitars though, like the JT, that old yellow Gibson LP DC with the tape around the edges, the SG with the vibrola, all those good old things. I know he's still got the Delorean though :D


    I only wish they'd put the Glittewati on display beside the M1D1. I asked Tim about that too, and he said it's up to Matt, but it's hanging up in the workshop right now. I asked to see it, but he said Hugh'd kill him :chuckle:


    Lucky, I want an MB1 so much. I want a VW Beetle too, brilliant little things :D

  23. Three 1:24s from each film, that is awesome :awesome: Aw, if I ever see a Hotwheels one again I'll pick it up for you :)


    I saw a JT-Res hanging high up in Manson's last time I went. I love that store so much, I wish I lived closer so I could visit it more. First time I went, I met Hugh and got to play the MB1 :awesome:


    I got my Strat set up by Tim, too. I know him and the staff do work for other customers as well, but it's still cool to tell people "my Strat was set up by the guy who built Matt's doubleneck" and they're like ":awesome:" :chuckle:

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