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Everything posted by Wazlib

  1. I'm assuming you mean the 19th-27th? Hehehe. You're going to have to much fun! Be prepared for me to ask you lots about it when you get back. Do you have any special things planned or are you just going to go and see what happens?

    Well, for Muse I'll most likely go along the west coast: Seattle and Portland for sure, possibly Vegas and California, and then wherever the big meet-up will be in Arizona. :happy: I missed out on Franz though. They were in Seattle a few weeks ago but it was during my exam week. They were also in Vancouver back in December, but that was before I really got into them. :(


    What about youuu?

  2. Same here!


    I'm excited for your trip! Jealous, but excited. How long will you be there for? My friend is leaving for London soon too - I think she leaves on the 12th.

  3. Hey, hey, hey! I'm good, thanks. You?


    Ooh, are you ready for your trip?! :awesome:

  4. No way! I have yet to hear GM Place play Muse during a Canucks game. I remember watching a game once, can't remember the two teams that were playing, but they played Hysteria in between the puck drop. That was last season though... haven't heard any this season.
  5. 100? Wow!


    That's such a neat thing to do. I should see if a theatre my my place would play Liam's new movie... I'd probably be the only one there mind you, but seeing it on the big screen would be amazing. :awesome:

  6. Oh, you're quite speedy! What kind of guitar(s) do you have?

    And nope, not joking, hehe.

    Oh... and to answer your question you asked about on that photo... it's from Rock Band. :LOL:

  7. Sigh... I suppose.

  8. It's still being a pain... so you never know, I may just have to accept your offer.

  9. Cool. How long does it take for you to learn a song usually?

    Well it's definitely true now... if only they'd do their own shows while their in North America, I would explode from all the awesome. :awesome:

  10. Yep, I got what I needed to do finished. I don't mind U2, but I'm definitely one of the few who do from what I've seen on the board. $57 is not bad at all... but I'd want to go when Muse isn't opening for another band, that just seems weird to me. Anyway, I have to do some last minute studying and it's getting late... see you later!

  11. Hello there. :happy:


    I haven't gone anywhere! I was just busy with some school work and such. But yes, I heard about it yesterday... I didn't really know whether to believe it or not but then when I came on here this morning there was more news about it and yeah... it was a glorious way to start my morning. =)

  12. Yeah, it's just a teenie ways away.:p


    How's the guitar playing going?


    Have you heard about Muse possibly opening for U2 in the States? I wonder if it's true... :erm:

  13. Yeah... I went for the $20 one. I think the reason the other one is $100 is because it's a copy that will play in north american dvd players or something... but the other ones won't, unless you have an all region player (I could be totally wrong about this, it's just what I assume). I don't, so I'll just have to settle for watching it on the computer. And they could ship it to my house... but to ship it to Canada would cost a lot of moola... this way I get pretty much free shipping. Good luck with ordering your copy! :happy:

  14. Hellooo.


    I haven't got it yet... it's close though! The thing is... I live in Canada but I'm getting it shipped to a friend's place in the States :shifty:... so I won't be able to get down there and pick it up for a while even when it does arrive. :(


    According to the e-mails from Amazon it should be delivered by Mar 19... tomorrow, yay! Planning on ordering a copy?

  15. That's neat how you have family in different countries... the perfect excuse to travel! All my fam's close to where I live, grr.


    Oooh, nifty presents! Have you learned any songs yet?

  16. Coolbeans! Wait... your mum works in London? :indiff::$... :LOL:


    What did you's get for your birfday?!

  17. Me = jealous of you and your travels... even if it was only for 10 or 20 minutes here and there. Have you ever been anywhere outside of Europe?


    And by the way....


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :party:

  18. Well, summer's going to be here soon... you can always go back! :D


    My friend is leaving for London in the middle of May. Wait.. I think she's going to France first and then London afterwards... so lucky!


    I'm planning to backback across Europe eventually, I want to be a little but older when I go though, hehe.

  19. Aaaw, that's so sad. :supersad: And no, it's not weird at all.. I do the same thing when I know a trip's over and I'm heading home. I hope you had a good time though! Have fun catching up on your beloved sleep! :happy:

  20. Nice. :cool:


    Aw, I know, it's always so sad when trips come to an end. =(

    When did you get home?

  21. Oh, what fun! That's a lot of time to listen to muse on the good ol' mp3 player... you have one that is.


    No Myoosers so far eh? You've still got lots of time left to run into one!

  22. Two weeks! :eek: Lucky you. How long goes it take to get there from where you live? I take it school's off for a while then, or are you just not going? :LOL: Man, I want to get a jetpack like Matt and fly over there, that would be so GLORIOUS. :cool:


    Yes! It is like something from a horror soundtrack or something, so eerie. :yesey:


    Have a spledid trip! Maybe you'll meet a few Musers while you're there. :happy:

  23. Holy, I just realized you left me a message now! Sowwie for the delayed wesponse! :supersad:


    Yes! Paying for school! It hurts to look at how much moola is in my bank account. Aw, 10th grade, good times... :p


    Con-science is so haunting! It would be so simple to learn but it would probably creep me out a bit if I were to play it, especially if I were home alone at night (or on Friday the 13th! :eek:)


    Ouchie about your hand, I wish you a speedy recovery!


    I think I read in the PMT that you're off to London for the weekend? (Is jealous) Have fun! :happy:

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