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Status Updates posted by keisha_megalomania

  1. hey, cheers for the add :) it's nice to meet you, how's life? :D

  2. muse calender? where can i get it? are u going to give it free? teehee ^^

  3. hey anita, thanks for adding me ^^

  4. ah good as usual ^^ No pwoblem buddy heheh...

  5. thanks for sharing the video ^^

  6. hehe ngga kok, plng jarang aktif hehehehe :D

  7. ga kemana2, cuma jarang buka board hehe, sering buka board ya mba? :D

  8. heey memer, iya nih lg jarang ol, aku lupa udh bales ato blm message dr mu di board ku hehehe :D

  9. mba deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev huaaa kangen :D

  10. omg, i miss this page :)

  11. wihiii memer! iya nih, apa kabar? liburan kmn aja nih?

  12. heeeei, ini astrid yaaaaa? :D

  13. boleh


    nama: keisha

    suka : muse


    udah hehehe :)



  14. i've been muser since 3-4 years ago hehe, what about you?

  15. yep. but i don't really can play it well, like matt :D. i can play some muse's songs :)

  16. ga dari mana-mana :D aku baru baru ini aja online-in muse messageboard ku :)

  17. i'm fine thanks, and you? yep, i just start to play guitar 5 monts ago. matt makes me want to play the guitar like him :D :D :D. megalomania? oh haha i see you know it from my account name. i was really really like that song when i made my account here :). about my favourite songs of muse, i can't just choose one of muse song. i love all muse songs, but if we talk about 'muse favourite songs right now', i choose city of delusion :D what about you?

  18. well, i can't just choose one of muse song too :)), i love all their song :D. nature1 huh? i hope i can play that song :(. about the fastest song, i love to hear the piano solo part at butterflies and hurricanes. matt is very talented! :))

  19. how interesting :D, i love to play guitar, but i can't play ukulele heheh. what is your favourite muse's song? i love map of your head, the sound's funny :D

  20. well, as you know i'm from indonesia, i'm 14, i love muse, i love matt, i love dom, i love chris, and my favourite muse member is matt :D . and you telling me something about yourself :)

  21. oooh atma. hahaha kirain siapa, wkwkwk.

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