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Posts posted by rainingradioheads

  1. :LOL::LOL:

    that sucks...



    my dream wasn't very musey, but it was muse related in a way.


    it was like 3 nights ago it it was the most bizarre dream.

    anyway so it started off like some weird twilight shit and something about a black liquid filling up a bottle (?)

    then it changes and I'm like an actress and I'm supposed to be doing some weird scene.. I'm like running in slow motion through a super market (why?) and hoping over little obstacles like a wall of toilet tissue and other odd things of the sort. and then I ended up going to the wrong side of the market and these weird people, old people too, with artificial smiles were slowly walking towards me and like I started running from them but they circled around so I did this awesome flip over them and like ran up the displays to get to the air vent, but they were waiting in the airvent and injected me with this drug that was supposed to make me like them and I passed out. I woke up like 2 seconds later but I was still resisting the drug and I ran back to the safe side of the market and like I wasn't a girl anymore I was like this weird indian dude and a narrator was like "the 5 d's of dodge ball: dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge." and everytime he said I word I did it. (odd I know)


    And then like I ran into this old man with a can and I spoke weird and I said "hail traveler from yore home of the (whatever)" and he said "Hail traveler from (whatever) home of the dead star!" (the only muse thing in this dream) and then it was like I was reading the bible or something and the narrator, which was just me reading to myself said "upon touching the cane the mind control vanished..." and something about tasks or something


    and the old man was saying like "if you meet a man who only speaks left (and the words appeared with the letters facing left as he spoke) then it's polite to turn left and face him" and that made no sense but the indian dude was looking at him and said "ah. wise indeed"


    and yea...it just gets weirder after that o.0




    Made me laugh so much.

  2. Host is getting a growing fan base :happy:


    CoD and Hoodoo are 2 of my 3 fav songs on BHAR. I love playing them really loud in my car and sing along... especially:


    CoD: "I will avenge / and justify my reasons with your blood"

    Hoodoo: "Don't be afraid / I will take the blow for you"


    I have done it so much that I can pretty much copy Matt's voice and intonations... :facepalm:


    Yes I have palmfaced myself on that one!!11!!


    Don't be afraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid is what it sounds like to me, because I can't hold that note. It makes me really sad whenver I don't. But I have done it a total of once! :awesome:

  3. I like Host. :happy: Thought it was Rain off the Newton Abbot Demo once. I can't identify these songs I just got very well yet. :LOL:


    City of Delusion is good. Although I do prefer Hoodoo and Take a Bow. Not so sure about MoTP anymore.

  4. I think Con-science is hugely underrated as a lot of people dismiss it because for the majority of the song it's just Matt with 4 piano notes and the end is just a build up of distorted sounds... but I found it the most emotional, gut-wrenching song ever. It gets me every time I listen to it.


    Con-science is gorgeous. :happy:

  5. My history teacher noticed several times that I was wearing a Muse t-shirt and he asked what it was about. One of the people I'm trying to convert was up by him at the same time, so we were arguing about whether SMBH is a good song or not. :LOL: But he asked if it was a band, and I told them that they were in the baseball scene in Twilight (it was on his desk, they're gonna play it after school one day).

  6. Come to be

    How did it come to be?

    Tied to a railroad

    No one to set us free

    Watch our souls fade away

    And our bodies crumbling

    Don't be afraaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid

    I will take the blow for you...


    You used to be everything to me,

    But now you're tired of fighting

    Tired of fighting fighting yourself!


    Change in the air

    And they'll hide everywhere

    No one knows who's in control


    And Execution Commentary's lyrics are absolutely phenomenal. :LOL:

  7. Rediscovered or discovered? Because I've discovered an awful lot lately.


    Darkshines. I used to skip it all the time and now it's loved. :happy:


    Dead Star. I didn't want to listen to the live version on Hullabaloo, but then I saw the video for it, and it made me love the real version. Plus the Christmas present this year.


    Ruled by Secrecy. I never really stopped liking it, but I didn't feel like listening to it because I had kind of overplayed it to a point where it was nothing special anymore (kind of like KoC if you overdo it). But it's beautiful again.


    Hyper Chondriac Music. Wow. I'm so in love with this song right now, it's one of their best releases and I'm SO glad that I didn't have to go searching for it. It makes me so happy. :happy:

  8. The whole of Origin of Symmetry.


    Probably the most neglected Muse album in my library.....


    :eek: I'm neglecting Showbiz, coming back to it when it might seem more epic.


    Hoodoo, although I might have posted this somewhere on here already. I don't feel like going and checking. Then Screenager, because I had it stuck in my head one day. :LOL: Blackout too, especially after I figured out the piano (alright strings, but if you put the proper effect on it, it can be on piano) part was easy and so was the guitar (except I can't tremolo pick it...if that is indeed what it's called). :D

  9. Actually, yesterday was the first time I went to the mall in months.



    Wow, on Fuse? That's crazy. Do you know when they might replay it?


    Actually, it was Palladia. I couldn't remember. :rolleyes: I dunno if they'll replay it, it was really cool though.

  10. I was freaking out a few days ago (it was Wednesday, but I don't know what to call it since it's after midnight now), because I actually heard Knights of Cydonia ON THE RADIO! My dad was scanning through the stations, and I heard some of it, so I started screaming. :$ Sooooooooo happy after that, though...


    Plus I heard Take a Bow in the Watchmen trailer (like everyone in the world has), which made me also WAY too happy the first time (more screaming). I got kind of mad when they weren't on the soundtrack though...I might live through it, however. I'm addicted to that trailer now. :rolleyes:

  11. Charolette Ruuse [starlight]

    Macy's [starlight]

    Trailer for Watchmen [Take A Bow]

    Radio [sMBH]


    The only part that pissed me off is the fact that people think Starlight and SMBH are the only songs by Muse. :mad:


    That is really annoying. I'm trying to get people at my school to figure that out too. Although the majority of them haven't heard Starlight either.:rolleyes:

  12. Some replay of a concert on Fuse or something like that they showed part of a Muse concert...unfortunately, they only showed SMBH and Starlight on the show. But then the channel played Map of the Problematique during the credits, and showed the Knights of Cydonia music video after it. So I was happy.


    EDIT: I asked my dad. It was actually Palladia or however you spell it.

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