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Status Updates posted by bILLOO

  1. He has very nice Dalek bumps, but gets a little angry when asked to clean the bathroom!

  2. Bug eyed monsters FTW!

  3. Gotta go shopping. Luckily it's for DVDs and CDs so big woo!


    Are you a gym regular?

  4. Awwhhh, yeah sod tans... they are over rated anyhow! Anything planned for the weekend?

  5. Hah, did you get a tan?? Was you drunks? =o

  6. Quite a bit. Mostly travelling about or work, booo!!! How about you?

  7. Heyyyy :happy: I'm good thankies! How about youuu?

  8. Okies, tomorrow evening it is, mebbe. :happy:


    Hope your weekend is just as groovy. =D xxx

  9. Yeee! :happy:


    Will add you when I'm not at a friends getting drunk. Heheheeeeeeeee.


    You have a groovy weekie endy! xxxxx

  10. Haha, I replied on my own profile. Oh god!


    But yes, that's a good idea. MSN? Other talkie methods? :happy: xxx

  11. Hehe, Hai. ^^

  12. You iz like spiders? :D

  13. Fankoo for the loveboat thread. It's yum. ^^

  14. Same back at ya! :p

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