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Status Updates posted by /donna

  1. /donna

    Hey thief :p let me know when you want to sort tonight out and I shall pop on msn for you! x x

  2. /donna

    sorry haha probs tmi for here. I will delete it! :)

  3. /donna

    :LOL: Thanks, I posted in it. I don't have a photo of them though. They were all wide awake this morning.
  4. /donna

    Well I hope you slept well last night and you have a good day today. I shall leave you to get on with your work byyeeee x

  5. /donna

    I did :$ my heart sank! Thank god he was ok though. I am very much looking forward to the feeding tonight :D oh well done you! I bet you feel tired. I am also looking forward to leftover lasagne tonight too mmm nom nom x

  6. /donna

    Afternoon :p I am working hard today :D I thought I should let you know the fishies are well. I thought firework was dead this morning, turns out he was just sleeping right at the top of the tank!

  7. /donna

    Okies. Best get working my money out then! :( What about the hotel for London?

  8. /donna

    Did you manage to decide on the route to France?

  9. /donna

    nah you know you won't undelete them, would be too much hassle and people don't need to know I am a green eyed monster :p.. Will you be travelling from Leeds or London? I guess we can talk about this with Gem tomorrow evening. I hope you have a nice day x

  10. /donna

    I thought it would be best :). Did you know Stu has booked his travel to france?

  11. /donna

    I deleted my comments off here for you :p

  12. Hello, I am good thank you. I hope you are well too. :happy:

  13. Happy birthday :party:

    I hope you have a good time!

  14. /donna

    That would be nice, both of us sitting in my bed at tgi's eating wings! :happy:

    I am going to go now I just wanted to share my pain with you. Don't want to be caught on the board by any musers.. Have a good day.

  15. /donna

    If it hurts like this I don't want to leave my bed.:'(

  16. /donna

    So much pain :supersad:

  17. /donna

    I don't think it will. Museday is ruined. :(

  18. /donna

    I am the sadest girlfriend in the world. :supersad:

  19. Do you not enjoy being at school? I miss school I was a bit of a geek :LOL:

    I enjoyed Muse this weekend! They were amazing, I really can't wait for the new album xx

  20. Hello :D It was nice to see you at the gig, I am sorry I didn't get chance to say hello or anything :happy:

  21. Aww it was really lovely to meet you :D you and your bf are awesome! I hope you made it home ok x x

  22. Oh hey there :D I am sorry for being a bit rubbish recently I haven't been very well this past month. How are you? Have been doing many fun things? x

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