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Status Updates posted by Profsim

  1. omg its.......manga lady =P

  2. Ah see theres the bad part

    I did take advantage of the sun today, and went out in shorts and t-shirt cos it was boiling!

    Then an hour later it started pouring the heavens, and I had to walk home, so I cut through this reservoir forest part, and was mistaken for a confused jogger! Now i probably have a cold =P and my prom is in 2 days! And theres showers then as well!

    If only I had some sort of weather device.....

    Or an umbrella...


  3. underwear-ella! the dirty version of rihanna's hit single! everyone knows that! And Brits get the worst weather, thought it was warmer today, but because it was i had to de-weed the garden! So basically, all weather ends up bad somehow =P

  4. When you say this weather.....because sadly I've been cursed with a week of rain and wind! And just when it seems the sun is going to shine again, another onslaught of wet miserableness pours down! But the sunhat idea does sound good! Perhaps if I used a large pair of boxers and a stick I could create some sort of umbrella....or an underwear-ella!

  5. Ur sig is quite inspirational!

    Truly the world would be more tranquil with bras as hats!

    But personally i'd rather wear boxers as a sort of trilby imitation!

    Hi btw =P

    I'm jus your average random muser who saw ur sig and thought some kudos was in order

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