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Posts posted by nettynunu

  1. :eek::awesome: Not gonna lie, if I met him I would be all calm but when I got home I wouldn't be like, "Oh I met him I'm so happy!" I would be all...HNNNG YOU GUISE WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME AHUFHASKJLGHAIOJFIONKCP I MET MATTHEW FUCKING BELLAMY TODAY HOLY SHIT.

    anyways. I'm happy for you. Really, that's just so wonderful :')


    As pinky's best buddy I can tell you that she rang me up screeched into my ear she'd just seen KH and then made some sort of a noise that resembled 'Matt Bellamy just went by' and then got out the car and left her phone on so all I could her was silence of the car, then she got back in screeched a bit more then put the phone down. She was not calm in anyway possible:LOL:

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