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Posts posted by ninja

  1. Ahh Jackass

    haha, i love jackass! ^^

    I just watch Dark Knight yesterday


    It is very good




    Spoiler on dark knight


    I think I prefer Katie Holmes more than the new actress as Rachel. There is not much chemistry in the show even with Bruce or with Harvey D. Whi;e there is quite a lot when katie holmes act as rachel


    And they show the Joker much more than Batman(with or without) his suit. :LOL: No wonder everyone only talk about the Joker Too bad Heath Ledger wouldn't be able to be Joker in the upcoming sequels


    The pencil trick is amusing.... : I dunno whether to say it is lame or just stupid Throughout half of the movie, I feel damn scared like watching a horro movie because they say there is some geli scene where the Joker cut people cheek while they struggle. Ekkk....thank god they cut those scene's off.... And also the show is quite kan chiong, that's why I feel scared. And I do agree with Deb thou, the most kin chiong part is the part where whether will the other side pull/push/turn the trigger..... I think I stop breatjing at those points.....


    And also Yay to Alfred for burning the letter. I think on some matters it is better that they never knew about it... This movie also makes me think whether would you prefer to know that the person has died or not to know what happen to that person and thinks that they might still be living somewhere in this world? And also would you prefer to see someone you love die in front of your eyes or would you rather die in their place than see them die? I think Dark Knight is one of the shows that will be a bit disturbing, makes you think and gives you some inner deeping to it.

    Yeah I think in that movie a lot of things were brought to light that they just do't show in other movies.

    Like the choice on choosing who lives.. and who dies.

    Imagine having to choose between two great people.

    That would be a horrific thing to do.


    But yeah, makes you think really really deep.


    : 3D would be much more scarier and I bet everyone will scream when the body of the batman imposter bang on the window

    and much more tense and edge gripping

    Oh my god, if it was in 3D I probably wouldve latched myself onto Kane for the entire movie :LOL:

    even if i knew what was happening! :LOL:

    omg i have a friend named Kane too i remember last time when WWF was all hyped up, he'd give everyone pretend-choke-slams! ahahaa.


    ooh which jackass did you watch??




    yeah katie holmes would make a better, prettier Rachel. but lotsa people didnt like her in the first movie though. i'm not exactly sure why.. but i think its because her acting was rather dull, or her character was just so... unnecessary.


    are you serious? I LOVE THE PENCIL TRICK! i didnt think it was lame at all! i thought it was fantastic! one of my favourite scenes haha.

    did they really show the Joker cut the dude's cheek? i thought they just implied it, but they didnt actually show it. but knowing Malaysia and how much they censor movies.... maybe they censored it la. lol.


    wow i never actually thought about stuff like that during the movie. maybe i'm just too in awe of it all


    well, i'd rather know that someone has died. ignorance isnt bliss all the time. if i knew that person had passed, i'd feel more of a sense of closure there. whereas if someone died and you didnt know about it... well, you're bound to find out eventually, and then you might start regretting not getting to know that person enough and its too late to do that. if that makes any sense :erm:

    i'd also rather someone died away from me! haha. i'd feel to emotionally wrecked if someone died in front of me.




    jackass 1 :D

    Haha, after we watched the movie Jumper together the lot of us 'jumped' around for the rest of the day :LOL:


    Nah it's not actually shown [pencil trick]

    I have a feeling if he did show all that stuff it would have been MA 15+ and I wouldn't have been able to see it

  2. ooh group outings. nice. does he know you've watched this movie before? you could act all scared during the shocking parts : then he can put his arm around you and comfort you


    i've never watched anything on IMAX before. i dont know why they dont have the freakin dark knight on imax. ITS THE THE DARK KNIGHT FFS! its MADE for imax


    its a t shirt (those tight ones) with a huuuge picture of a girl in aviators on it. :happy: it looks really cool. *is happy*

    Bah, he didn't go, but we had a riot anyway!

    We went back to kane's house and started watching jackass :LOL:

    then my dad came :(



    Ohhh I know what that top looks like :)

    :eek: IMAX as in 3D?!!! :eek::eek: That is soo freaking good!!!!!


    OMG if it was 3D

    it would be 10 BILLION time SCARIER hahahaha!!!

    In my dreams hahaha!



    oooh you're going on a date? :happy: on imax too! that must be brilliant.


    i'm good! my sister just came back from Melbourne. she brought back lotsa chocolates and whatnot haha. and she bought me a top from SUPRE! :happy:

    she said she was gonna watch TDK (again) on IMAX but then decided to watch it here instead. what sucks is that apparently, here, we dont have the Imax film for TDK! we only have the normal non-imax film. boohoo :(


    I wish it was a date haha! :LOL:

    I'm going with a group of friends.

    Hopefully I'll sit next to him and score a cuddle :chuckle!

    Oh no!

    That sucks!

    I love IMAX films :(

    oooh, what sort of top? i got a really cool scarf from there. though the pattern reminds me of david jones logo hahahaa [a company]

  4. Ello!!

    Ahh cool cool :happy:

    I've been very tired haha..you?

    I've been alright!

    cant waaait!

    IMAX tomorrow



    Hi Sarah. Welcome back :D

    Wow,...all of you already watch dark knight so fast :( I feel so left out.....


    I'm doing good and just find out today that dancing is actually a very straineous activity. :rolleyes: And I'm having my car exam tomorrow :eek: ekk....


    How about you? :happy:

    Awww! you must see it, it's brilliant!

    Oooh, cheerleading is strenuous, i miss it though :LOL:!

    im good though :)

    hello! i watched it for the second time today! its really better the second time you watch it, you notice things you didnt notice before! :eek: i know i sure did :D

    how are you?


    Oooh, im soooooo excited!

    besides the guy i like is gunna be there

    hook in sair! ^^

    i hope so!

    I'm good , you :)

  5. :LOL: Awww.... Your Opah and Tok sounds very cute :chuckle

    Yup.... I think every Malaysian have seen Steven Chow's movie before. You should watch it. :D His jokes are those that are too exergerated and lame-funny. It is very funny :D


    yes they are!

    But Tok is having a bit of health problems at the moment.

    Hehe, my cousin Nurliyana recommended them haha!

  6. Ahahaha wow Sair has an Opah and Tok! :D Which part of M'sia is ur mum from?

    I think you mean Stephen Chow? I LOVE HIMM ahahah. I highly recommend watching Shaolin Soccer. ;)






    Yes I do :LOL:

    I can't really remember :$

    Yes haha!

    ahhhh, ok :chuckle


    I want silver chucks cos Murph from the wombats has a pair -drool-

    and i touched them

  7. From soccer to wall-climbing. Mmm, I miss you guys.




    SARAH. Ah cool cool. How does she know BM (Bahasa Melayu) ?

    Tips? Tips?? Err..no tips..:D

    Good luck!

    my mum is malaysian :LOL:

    and im learning so i can talk to Opah and Tok, because they can only say yes and no in english. It's so cute!

    If all my rellies couldnt speak english i woulda learned a long time ago, but too bad!

    Hey Sairr!! :D here's the perfect place to learn BM, since your mum's from Malaysia, right?

    My BM sucks anyway. ask anyone. they find my BM cute because its so useless :LOL::$


    awww! hahaha

    yes she is :p


    Hi! I know this thread is Malaysian thread so we are suppose to talk in Malay once in a while but we end up talking in English and once in a while we add in some Malay words in our texts :rolleyes: Hehe...


    For tips, I guess watching Malay films with English subtitles will be a good help. Listening to Malay songs as well :) Recommendation anyone? I got a few thou although those songs might be a bit old. Ella- Standing in the eyes of the world :D


    *will tell you when I manage to think of more songs*

    Haha thankyou very much!

    Oh and on another subject, have you seen Steven Chow?

    My cousin recommended it, but i've never watched it hahaah!

    Hello! BM is quite easy to learn actually. Easy = senang in BM btw :D


    What about u tell us the words / sentences that u know and we proceed from there?


    Check out this Msian band: Butterfingers. Their music's a bit like Silverchair but with a lot of Malay influences. The vocalist sings in BM now but with a slight Caucasian (?) accent since he's half white. Maybe could help in understanding Malay.

    Ahhh, I can say basic stuff like, how are you, where are you from, etc.

    but i need to learn to say more interesting stuff :LOL:

    There's an aussie band named butterfingers too :LOL:

  8. This is really weird right, but i had like, this 5 minute dream that Matt's black Manson could talk! :stunned:


    And it was just leant up against the wall, talking about how all it's "brothers and sisters" were mistreated and beaten up and given to weird people.


    It was reaaaaaaally weird.




    hahaha :LOL:

  9. Only a teeny bit muse related.

    Last week I dremt there were like all these bombs going of in victoria and mybrother drove me to school for some reason. i went into the science labs and noticed that there was something wrong with a pipe [which isnt actually there in real life]. i was with a group of people and then someone said not to sit on the bench because someone had exploded there or something. that explained why the pipe was broken. Then i was randomly hiding behind a hedge with my brother at my school [we dont er have hedges] and someone came in a four wheel drive to take us to the safety of adelaide. [we thought they were the terrorists who had taken control of victoria lol, thats why we were hiding behind bushes..] then i remember having a cup of tea and these people telling us about the horrible takeover of victooria, and then matt was in the 4-wheel drive with us going to adelaide.


    It wouldv'e been more musey, but i woke up. very confusing dream

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