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About SharkTooth194

  • Birthday 03/23/1994

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  • Location
  • Interests
    geology, heavy metal, reading, music
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  • Favourite Bands
    Muse, Shining, My Chemical Romance, Watain, Code, The Cumshots, Children of Bodom, Mayhem...
  • Favourite Books
    Anything really
  • Muse Releases Owned
    The Resistance, Black Holes and Revelations Limited Tour Edition thingy, Absolution, Hullabaloo, Origin of Symmetry, Showbiz, Absolution Tour DVD, Hullabaloo DVD
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    24 Oct 2007 Copenhagen Forum
    14 Nov 2009 Rotterdam Ahoy
    11 Sep 2010 Wembley Stadium
    11 Dec 2012 Saku Arena, Talinn

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  1. And Matt really didn't like TSP more than 15 years ago. Doesn't mean he doesn't like it now...? You're quibbling semantics. Anyway, my point was that I assume Matt doesn't have a monopoly on deciding which songs will get played, so what he said on the radio shouldn't necessarily put people off voting for it if that's what they want to hear...
  2. I am Don't care if it's a wasted vote, I'm trying for it anyway. I like it too much not to try But Chris and Dom both really like it. Matt wanted Fury instead of TSP on the main tracklist of Absolution but was outvoted, which is why it ended up as the Japan bonus track.
  3. How's everyone's lists coming along? Mine's currently looking like this: showbiz fury futurism dead star assassin spiral static falling away with you hate this and I'll love you in your world easily but I keep finding other songs I want too, and they might be more realistic songs to vote for I mean, I'm almost certain that Spiral Static and FAWY stand no chance of getting played, but I can hope, right?
  4. ...and where was Chris in all of this? anyway, that reminds me of a dream i had where there were 5 of me playing in a band... it was some random song ive never heard... i think it was about george bush anyway, the singer me sounded scarily like tarja turunen which is weird given i can't sing to save my life... and then i had another one where i was at a nightwish gig with my bro and two of his friends... we'd been taken there by my gran (again, weird. she's been dead for nearly two years... ) anyway, i'd gone to the loo halfway through the gig, and when i came back, my bro and his friends were wearing clothes that looked a lot like MCR's black parade uniforms, only bright blue instead of black that was a verrrry strange dream. quite entertaining though ...that has nothing at all to do with muse...
  5. i generally dream about stuff that's been sorta subconciously on my mind. i haven't had any muse dreams in a while. the last one i had was after falling asleep reading that Kinghts of Cydonia fic on muselive. and i stand corrected, i only remember my creepy dreams. bad dream last night, not fun.
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